Sponsors Data Directory Admin Organization

Note that in the case of any discrepency between what is stated here. and what is the actual case on the UNIX computer cs-xh-admin.cs.private.uwaterloo.ca, the actual situation on cs-xh-admin.cs.private.uwaterloo.ca will override what is stated here.


The following table indicates how some of the data, on the UNIX computer cs-xh-admin.cs.private.uwaterloo.ca, under the directory

is organized. Here we present information about directories other than those specifically related to course-specific resources, and explicit researcher sponsorship. That should be "administration", but isn't quite.


Directory/File NamePurpose
CLASSES/ files under ClASSES allocate resources for instructors and instructional support staff
CLASSES/CA-cs accounts named after CS courses, e.g. cs100
CLASSES/CA-se accounts named after Software Engineering courses, e.g. se240
CLASSES/TA-cs CS TAs - Tutorial Assistants, not to be confused with Tutors
CLASSES/Tutors CS Tutors - usually co-op students
CLASSES/automatic/ directory for some conceptually automatically generated files; currently the result of processing Grad Office TA database to produce sponsorship info for TAs
CLASSES/course.work logical supplement to REGISTRAR/cs
CLASSES/instructors Resources for (generally non-faculty) instructors. For sessional instructors, a more appropriate place would be School/Sessionals-YYMM.
CSCF/ files under CSCF facilitate the computing facility
CSCF/admin administrative assistant staff, and many mailing lists
CSCF/consulting this is the MC3017 consultants
CSCF/taskgroups mailing aliases for task-groups
CSCF/technicians CSCF technical staff
School/ files under School are for non-teaching resource requirements
School/Away-Personnel sponsors expiry period for personnel, to keep their account when they leave
School/CS.MathClubs Courtesy email aliases for Math Clubs, etc.
School/CS.Grads extra accounts and mail aliases for grads (not research, e.g. csgsa)
School/CS.UGrad extra accounts for undergrads (currently just csc)
School/Courtesy discretionary accounts for retired faculty, etc.
School/ICR a few accounts for Institute for Computer Research
School/Sessionals-YYMM sessional instructors for term YYMM
School/cs.admin Things which don't fit anywhere else
School/dean.admin CS resources needed by the DOM office
School/se.admin Software Engineering administration and also mail aliases
School/special_events Special Events such as CS days and ACM contests

-- AdrianPepper - 19 Mar 2010



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