

st-qlist Syntax: <command> [-h] [-v] [-Z] [-r] [-x] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-s <sort_fields>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-f <display_fields>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-V <data_verbosity>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-j <title_fields>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-d <title_depth>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-g <title_gap_fill>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-J <transaction_difference_select>] 
st-qlist Syntax:   \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-a] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-n <serial_number>] 
st-qlist Syntax:   [-i <involvement>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-q <relatives_where_clause>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-t <timing>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-p <display_project_depth>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-m <display_ancestors_depth>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-I <display_item_depth>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   [-c <display_children_depth>] \
st-qlist Syntax:   <query>
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax: Where:
st-qlist Syntax:  -h causes some documentation to be displayed, then we quit.
st-qlist Syntax:  -v means to be verbose - affects help,
st-qlist Syntax:      and shows the SQL queries being used.
st-qlist Syntax:  -Z a debugging level of verbosity
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax:  -r reverses the direction of the sort
st-qlist Syntax:  -x uses an "exploded sort", i.e. multi-valued fields are
st-qlist Syntax:      converted into single-valued fields in multiple records.
st-qlist Syntax:  <sort_fields> is a comma separated list of external
st-qlist Syntax:    field names to sort and group the records by.
st-qlist Syntax:    The default is "service,component,advancement".
st-qlist Syntax:    See "Field Names" below for details.
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax:  <display_fields> is a comma separated list of external
st-qlist Syntax:    field names to be included in the output, in addition
st-qlist Syntax:    to the serial numbers of selected items.
st-qlist Syntax:    The default is "depth,subject".
st-qlist Syntax:    See "Field Names" below for details.
st-qlist Syntax:  <data_verbosity> is one of terse, medium, verbose,
st-qlist Syntax:    used to affect the displayed data.
st-qlist Syntax:    It's the default for the internal default, and thus
st-qlist Syntax:    is overriden by the use of a so-called "external"
st-qlist Syntax:    fieldname that happens to specify a verbosity.
st-qlist Syntax:    It defaults to "an internal default".
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax:  <title_depth> is how many sort/grouping fields to include
st-qlist Syntax:    in each title, starting the count with the first
st-qlist Syntax:    non-empty value.  It defaults to "1".
st-qlist Syntax:    "*" means include all fields.
st-qlist Syntax:  <title_gap_fill> is the number of title fields for which to
st-qlist Syntax:    provide all "possible" values, i.e. adding a title even
st-qlist Syntax:    when there are no selected records with that field value.
st-qlist Syntax:    It's intended to provide context, so one can see what's
st-qlist Syntax:    not happening as well as what is.
st-qlist Syntax:    It defaults to "not filling".
st-qlist Syntax:  <title_fields> is a comma separated list of external
st-qlist Syntax:    field names to be summed across each sort group,
st-qlist Syntax:    and included in each sort/group title.
st-qlist Syntax:    The default is "time_worked, cost_estimate".
st-qlist Syntax:    See "Field Names" below for details.
st-qlist Syntax:  <transaction_difference_select> is a where clause that
st-qlist Syntax:    constrains the transactions used when evaluating a
st-qlist Syntax:    history fieldname (e.g. time_worked-).
st-qlist Syntax:    A typical use is to constrain the transactions to
st-qlist Syntax:    a specific time interval and person.
st-qlist Syntax:    There is no obvious default for this, so without it
st-qlist Syntax:    a history fieldname will have no value.
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax:  -a allows all possible matches, i.e. including done items
st-qlist Syntax:  <serial_number> is a comma separated list of serial
st-qlist Syntax:    numbers of the items to restrict the selection to.
st-qlist Syntax:  <involvement> the userids, group names, and/or roles
st-qlist Syntax:    of the people involved in the selected items,
st-qlist Syntax:    or "*" to mean everyone/anyone, defaulting to "*".
st-qlist Syntax:    Recognized groups & roles are CSCF, MFCF, unknown, RSG.
st-qlist Syntax:    An empty list means everyone.
st-qlist Syntax:  <timing> "reactive" or "proactive" to restrict
st-qlist Syntax:    displayed items to; handy for cases in which
st-qlist Syntax:    relatives have different timing than was queried for.
st-qlist Syntax:  <relatives_where_clause> is the query used to constrain the
st-qlist Syntax:    choice of selected relatives of the selected items.
st-qlist Syntax:    It defaults to whatever constraint there is on the <query>.
st-qlist Syntax:    I.e. to open items unless the "-a" option is used.
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax:  <display_project_depth> is the depth of the project tree
st-qlist Syntax:    associated with selected items to display, defaulting to 0.
st-qlist Syntax:     0 => no display
st-qlist Syntax:     1 => display just the ultimate parent of <item#>
st-qlist Syntax:    -1 => display ultimate parents and all children
st-qlist Syntax:  <display_ancestors_depth> is the number of ancestors of
st-qlist Syntax:    the selected items to display, defaulting to 0.
st-qlist Syntax:     0 => display no ancestors
st-qlist Syntax:     1 => display all immediate ancestors
st-qlist Syntax:    -1 => display all ancestors from the ultimate parents
st-qlist Syntax:  <display_item_depth> is
st-qlist Syntax:    0 to not add the selected items to the result,
st-qlist Syntax:    1 (the default) to include the selected items.
st-qlist Syntax:  <display_children_depth> is the number of children
st-qlist Syntax:    of selected items to display, defaulting to 0.
st-qlist Syntax:     0 => no display
st-qlist Syntax:     1 => display just the selected item(s).
st-qlist Syntax:    -1 => display selected items and all children
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax:  <query> is an SQL query on fields of the each_req table,
st-qlist Syntax:    defaulting to reading a query from STDIN, with the owner
st-qlist Syntax:    constrained to the invoker unless the query involves item
st-qlist Syntax:    owners, or unless an "involvement" has been specified.
st-qlist Syntax:    Or it can be just serial numbers,
st-qlist Syntax:    i.e. the "-n" is optional.
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax: Field Names:
st-qlist Syntax:   A field-specific precision to be used in displaying or
st-qlist Syntax:   grouping fields can be appended to a fieldname, with a "-".
st-qlist Syntax:   Standard precision names, applicable to any field, are:
st-qlist Syntax:     "none, low, medium, high".
st-qlist Syntax:   Preceding a field name with a "+" adds it to the list
st-qlist Syntax:   of fields to display, rather than replacing the list.
st-qlist Syntax: 
st-qlist Syntax: Output:
st-qlist Syntax:   the serial numbers and specified fields of the items that
st-qlist Syntax:   match the <query> constrained by the <involvement>,
st-qlist Syntax:   defaulting to being restricted to open items.
st-qlist Syntax:   Output also includes some comments about the selection and
st-qlist Syntax:   groupings of records based upon the sort values,
st-qlist Syntax:   to a specified or default precision.
st-qlist Syntax:   As a result, running the output through `decomment` results
st-qlist Syntax:   in tab separated data that can be imported into other
st-qlist Syntax:   programs, e.g. spreadsheets.


  1. ) Show all items (-a including closed), no sort field (-s ""), add the date acted upon (-f date_acted), with the search option of Equipment name = 'scg.cs'. The decomment lines it up and adds tabs
www.cs% st-qlist -a -s "" -f +date_acted "equip_name = 'scg.cs'" | decomment
71101   2010/08/06      scg.cs doesn't ping
75827   2011/04/07      [SCG] upgrade scg.cs to Ubuntu 10.04LTS
76182   2011/03/28      [scg] Reinhold Burger couldn't log into scg.cs
77058   2011/11/18      [SCG] scg.cs - login problems
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Topic revision: r3 - 2016-04-27 - LawrenceFolland
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