(This is an old document, dating to 12 April 2005.)
Mac Minis as school PCs
After using a Mac Mini as a primary workstation for approximately a month, I believe that we should examine the feasibility of using these on grad desktops. We could roll out perhaps three or a half dozen to a selected group of students, with the caveat that they will be responsible for writing a report after a period of time (a term, a couple of months).
- easier management, if we don't dual boot them
- Unix underpinnings of OS X give us flexibility and the ability to use some familiar tools: ssh, rsync, even rsh if we want it
- several projects (fink, DarwinPorts, pkgsrc) to bring F/OSS to Macs, but some tools are already available anyway: gcc, X11
- difficult to secure, and relative newness and "sexiness" makes them attractive targets
- not easily expandable (but do we care?)
-- MikePatterson - 04 Dec 2005