FreeBSD in the Math Faculty of the University of Waterloo
I also will stash some things in here that aren't ready yet for prime-time, like:
See also Everybody interested in FreeBSD is encouraged to get an account there for documenting "real" things - this web is intended for transient use and will eventually go away when its need has been fulfilled.
With that said, what are the needs for this particular web area?
Once xhier has been ported and the process has been documented such that it can be applied more generally to other architectures, the needs for this web will be fulfilled.
Note: is a nice fast mirror for NetBSD stuff. I place it here because for xhier we may have to use the pkgsrc view capability and I didn't want to have to look up the URL at every time.
Here's a paper describing pkgsrc and views. (PDF link)
Documenting setting up a server, MikePatterson style: SettingUpWatcher202.
Note: please see for information regarding the use of the FreeBSD beastie: BeastieCopyrightNotification.