Dave Gawley wanted me to help him set up
as a FreeBSD system. So here's what I did. watcher202 is a Sun Fire V60z server with a pair of Xeon 2.8GHz CPUs and a pair of 34gb SCSI disks.
Base Install
- Obtain 5.3-RELEASE CD.
- Boot said CD, choose Custom install.
- Partition disks. Dave and I chose to set up a 6gb root slice, 20gb for /usr, and 3gb for /var.
- Custom: select only the base. We don't care about installing sources, manpages, or any of that stuff, it'll come later.
- There's probably actually a few steps missing here, but not many.
- Copy make.conf from
(for lack of a better source for the time being) and edit out references to perl. We don't need or want profiled libraries, and they're not available from freebsd5.cscf
- Update the OS from
's build.
Post Install Configuration
- Edit
to allow the set of r utilities (shell, login, exec).
- Edit
and let inetd run.
- Start inetd:
/etc/rc.d/inetd start
- Edit rhosts files as required.
- Edit
to allow root to login, and restart ssh: /etc/rc.d/sshd restart
Adding ports
First, a brief explanation that really belongs elsewhere: I've pre-built a bunch of stuff and made packages out of it on freebsd5.cscf. The canonical place to stash packages is
, which is a bunch of directories that really just symlink to stuff inside
, where the packages
really live. I do this to save some time when adding new stuff. And it's faster than
pkg_add -r
, and sometimes I wind up rebuilding a system two or three times to get it right, so this saves some bandwidth. Package stashing locations can be modified by
- Mount /usr/ports from
then change to /usr/ports/packages/All.
pkg_add portupgrade20041226_1.tbz
- this gets us ruby18 as well.
pkg_add perl-5.8.6_2.tbz
- we're going to have to add it eventually anyway. We're now up to four packages installed.
pkg_add apache+mod_ssl-1.3.33+2.8.22.tbz
- nagios likes having a webserver to run from. This will suck in more stuff.
Now we have this (long pkg descriptions are cut off):
watcher202# pkg_info
apache+mod_ssl-1.3.33+2.8.22 The Apache 1.3 webserver with SSL/TLS functionality
expat-1.95.8 XML 1.0 parser written in C
mm-1.3.1 Shared memory allocation library for pre-forked process mod
perl-5.8.6_2 Practical Extraction and Report Language
portupgrade-20041226_1 FreeBSD ports/packages administration and management tool s
ruby-1.8.2_3 An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby18-bdb1-0.2.2 Ruby interface to Berkeley DB revision 1.8x with full featu
We want to put nagios version 2 on watcher, but I haven't yet built it on freebsd5. So I'll build it there, then we can pkg_add it too.
nagios_plugins wants configuring. I told it: fping, SNMP, mysql, postgresql, and openldap. I left qstat and radius unchecked. Be warned: it wants to create a user and group "nagios".
Back on watcher202:
pkg_add nagios-2.0.b3.tbz
. Whoo, that added 18 packages; mostly this is because of dependencies on things like postgres client, mysql client, fping, etc.
MikePatterson - 06 Apr 2005