Initial notes by: MikePatterson - 28 Feb 2005.
Present: Dave Gawley, Ray Butterworth, LawrenceFolland, Steve Nickerson, MikePatterson, DanielAllen, Guoxiang Shen.
Look at (Ray's doc)
Today: xh-first-time!
Structure review: common regional system (NFS mounted). Regions share userids and mailboxes, as well as regional config stuff.
Preparation, step 2 really should say "ensure that DNS is set up correctly for sendmail" rather than "set up sendmail client config on server" - ie, it should be done already.
What we're doing here starts at 2.5. He thinks step 3 ought to be done later (setpw should be done with xhier stuff, he sez, he'll talk to Ray about it later).
In CSCF, and perhaps in MFCF too, we're trying to organize things such that an xhier submaster can be set up per architecture. We also have admin masters: cscf.cs
, mfcf.math
Ray says if one does an absolute path on the regional export on the regional server, then you have to mount it to the same place on the regional client. So if the master has regional files in /here/is/regional, but no /here exists on the client, you'd better make it. The reason for this is some programs like to know about absolute paths, so they'll break if you change the structure from the server to the clients. This is also true for home directories (but not mail spool, because "Dawn refuses to go into that" sez Ray).
Dave likes clumping things together by function; Ray likes doing things as soon as possible to get them out of the way.
Go through setup of access-rights: these notes will assume that the reader already knows this. But we covered things like how to get arch from nowhere (since we're setting up archmasters).
hostin group=admin_master
should tell you who is the admin master for the machine you happen to be logged in. Bill Ince says all this really tells you is who was the admin master when that machine happened to get its admin distribution, which is technically correct. (But if it's incorrect, you're probably in trouble.)
Dave also likes setting up .rhosts
and such at the time he edits access-rights
on the admin master.
(Ray says you must save /etc/{passwd,group}
in /vendor
for an archmaster, because that's where setpw expects to find them.)
Since we're doing archmasters, we'll be missing the admin tree and such. So the first thing that we'll need to do (before even xh-first-time) is create directories for os-extras, mfcf-basics, and xhier. oo, or maybe not...
Ray thinks one can try doing an xh-first-time from the admin machine to the archmaster (this should work whenever a machine gets distribution from multiple hosts) and do the share last.
Under mfcf-basics
, look at data/README. No, that's not what we want. Look at /software/xhier/data
. Where does stuff in /usr/include/mfcf/config.h
come from? mfcf-basics. Look at param.h as well. Compare this to machines that are like the arch we're interested in.