Meeting time Monday, 16 May 2005, 1400h - 1500h

Initial notes by DanielAllen

Present: Dave Gawley, Ray Butterworth, MikePatterson, DanielAllen, Chris Calzonetti, Pat Matlock

Dave wants to talk about where we go from here. He sees three broad tracks; perhaps starting with #1? Comments from people added to this list. Additionally, Dave added to this list during XhierOneZeroOne24May2005.

1. how to xhier new arch ...
  1.1 pick existing arch (temp master) as close as possible to new one.
  1.2 xh-first-time from the existing archmaster to get very minimal xhier setup installed cleanly
  1.3 xh_dist2 xhier,dev (iff binaries are compatible, else see material not yet covered.)
  1.4 From xhier source master (Capo):
    1.4.1 xh-sdist -h <new arch> /source/mfcf-basics/arch_param
    1.4.2 On the new arch: cd /source/TEMP-CACHE/mfcf-basics/arch_param cc -I ../Include arch_param.c -o arch_param ./arch_param > /tmp/param.h check that the differences are "sane"
             diff /tmp/param.h  /usr/include/mfcf/param.h install updated param.h file
             cp /tmp/param.h /usr/include/mfcf
  1.5 Update /usr/include/mfcf/{config,paths}.h to best fit for new architecture. 
  1.6 From xhier source master (Capo):
    1.6.1 xh-sdist -h <temp master> /source/mfcf-misc/libcfix
    1.6.2 On the <temp master>: cd /source/TEMP-CACHE/mfcf-misc/libcfix generate a Makefile (actuall #xh-makefile)
             xh-make -n remove all references of bury and wipcheck from #xh-makefile now move this source to <new arch>
             cd /source/TEMP-CACHE; tar cf - mfcf-misc | rsh <new arch> "cd /source/TEMP-CACHE; tar xvfBp -" on <new arch>
             cd /source/TEMP-CACHE/mfcf-misc/libcfix; make -f \#xh-makefile all install

  1.7 work through the rest of Ray's list (mfcf.math:~rbutterworth/Packages) of source to be built

2. evalute / recommend xhier enhancements
  2.1 package templates / style guide
  2.2 packaging
   <package-version>_config - 
          _runtime - only shared libraries
                         _dev - static libs and include files

  2.3 pull distribution (as well as curent push)
      2.3.1 support for hosts that are not always online
  2.4 boottime start/halt sequencing.

3. how to make sure arch-masters are "well loved"

we'll start with the first task. (also see related notes from XhierOneZeroOne07Mar2005)

looking at /.software/arch/mfcf-basics/include/mfcf/config.h

what to call our new C_OS_ configurations? dave sugests:


And what to call the hardware versions?


freebsd5.cscf is available to work on.

Dave likes the idea of templates on which new packages will get automatically based; I suggested are they also style-guides, recommendations of where to put stuff? they are, but dave wants to see enforced things, like Configure / make would verify that things were set up correctly before we could install stuff.

ray notes that when he builds pakages, he puts everything into /software/package/ (simply via configure switch 'prefix=')

'xh-make-package' has an option to make a more expansive set of files instead of trimmed-down version we currently get. It used to be the default, now it's option '-l'

...for next week: have an OS install online with compiler, so we can run "arch_param" so we can build param.h file to make it into a new arch master.

dave will schedule next meeting for 1-3pm tuesday.

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