Weekly Meeting:
- discussion on LaTeX and RTF: marlon and ray determined that freebsd "rtf2latex" did a good job on a sample report template file.
- bibtex imports: does a bibtex file have a unique identifier we can rely on, if they re-upload? I think so. Or, on re-import, do we need to try and match every field for duplicates? Or, if there's a re-import, back up the old version and overwrite it?
- address this when we have sample code.
- bibtex exports: profs might consider OFIS as the master-copy, if they could export bibtex. Or auto-display their bibtex on their website?...
- Engineering is discussing faculty-wide webpages (see last week, item #3).
- I asked about within-faculty "groups"? No, probably not.
- Very similar to a request for "affiliations" for search (by prof, Rick x).
- Both of these sound like keywords, or tagging.
- Quest: campus-wide: Marlon doesn't know when the campus-wide data will be available.
- At least, campus-wide, OFIS will hold the names of courses a prof is teaching.
- In Engr, will keep existing process, Karen updates course-critiques in week 5, then sends that for OFIS import.
- Gee, if only we had access to campus-wide course critique data.
- How does cs/math handle course-critique data again? I will look up and report back to Marlon.
- subversion: I will be up to speed in some time on branching/merging in between a week and three weeks, so I can report back then.
Completed Tasks
- Daniel: send Beth a copy of a blank CS merit report.
- Daniel: send list copies of CS profs' bibtex files, perhaps one or more with multiple names in a reference.
- Daniel: any overall projects not on the list?
Upcoming Tasks
- Daniel: info to Marlon on CS course-critique process.
- Daniel: get information from current OFIS users
- Daniel: make some sort of comment to the group about reporting code and whether it's reasonable to take on the task of OFIS report modifications (as part of output development).
- Daniel: When do I think is a good day/time for OFIS meetings?...
- Daniel: set up meeting with Marlon, Vu, Noki, Ray about svn (in 2-3 weeks).
-- DanielAllen - 07 Aug 2009