Have Salt provision Windows desktop and laptop machines with site license, accounts, applications, etc. Further use Salt to maintain machines e.g. update cscf-adm and cscf-op passwords annually
Set repo roots:
root@salt-rsg-2004:/etc/salt/master.d# cat winrepo.conf winrepo_dir: /srv/saltstack/win/repo winrepo_dir_ng: /srv/saltstack/win/repo-ng
Install the repository on the master with command "salt-run winrepo.update_git_repos":
root@master:/srv/salt/win/repo-ng/salt-winrepo-ng# salt-run winrepo.update_git_repos https://github.com/saltstack/salt-winrepo-ng.git: /srv/saltstack/win/repo-ng/salt-winrepo-ng https://github.com/saltstack/salt-winrepo.git: /srv/saltstack/win/repo/salt-winrepo
Two repositories are installed: salt-winrepo-ng and salt-winrepo. They differ in that the -ng version is newer and includes pillar and grains during compilation.
The salt-winrepo-ng repository is the preferred repository for new packages.
Update each minion with the latest repository with this command. Minions should query the master for this information, but it is easy to update them with this command:
root@master:/srv/saltstack/win# salt -G 'os:windows' pkg.refresh_db
In the command the -G 'os:windows' targets all Windows minions. To target specific minions replace with the minion name. E.g. salt minion-name pkg.refresh_db
Viewing a short list of the directory /srv/salt/win/repo-ng/salt-winrepo-ng:
root@master:/srv/salt/win/repo-ng/salt-winrepo-ng# ls 7zip.sls git-extensions.sls ms-vcpp-2013-redist_x86.sls slack.sls activeperl_x64.sls git.sls ms-vcpp-2015-build-tools.sls slack-user-msi.sls activeperl_x86.sls glarysoft-absolute-uninstaller.sls ms-vcpp-2015-redist_x64.sls smartmontools.sls adobeair.sls gnucash.sls ms-vcpp-2015-redist_x86.sls snmptools.sls adobereader-dc-classic.sls golang.sls ms-vcpp-2017-redist_x64.sls soapui.sls adobereader.sls goodsync.sls ms-vcpp-2017-redist_x86.sls software-informer.sls adobereader-xi.sls gow.sls mucommander.sls sourcetree.sls adobeshockwaveplayer.sls gpg4win mysql-essential.sls spybot-anti-beacon.sls advancedlogging.sls gpg4win-light.sls mysql-installer-community.sls spybot.sls ...
Each one of these packages is a state file that can be included in our master state file. It can be helpful to view the package state file when encountering an install error.
An example is version control. Viewing the nextcloud-client.sls file we see version numbers. It is possible to get behind in version numbers. Executing this state file will cause the minion to reach out to the nextcloud web site to download any one of the versions. If the salt master's repository falls behind it may not find a version of nextcloud-client on the web site. For example the nextcloud-client download web site may be at version 4.0.0 and not include any of the older versions.
root@master:/srv/salt/win/repo-ng/salt-winrepo-ng# cat nextcloud-client.sls nextcloud-client: {% for version in ['3.0.3', '3.0.2', '3.0.1', '3.0.0', '2.6.5', '2.6.4', '2.6.3', '2.6.2', '2.6.1', '2.6.0', '2.5.3', '2.5.2', '2.5.1', '2.5.0', '', '', '', '', ''] %} '{{ version }}': full_name: 'Nextcloud' installer: 'https://download.nextcloud.com/desktop/releases/Windows/Nextcloud-{{ version }}-setup.exe' install_flags: '/S' uninstaller: 'https://download.nextcloud.com/desktop/releases/Windows/Nextcloud-{{ version }}-setup.exe' uninstall_flags: '/S' locale: en_US reboot: False {% endfor %}
Set root file data:
root@salt-rsg-2004:/etc/salt/master.d# cat winrepo.conf winrepo_dir: /srv/saltstack/win/repo winrepo_dir_ng: /srv/saltstack/win/repo-ng
2) Turn on the computer. At the Welcome screen insert the Minion USB flash drive.
3) Open a command prompt window. This is usually done be pressing the function Fn + F10 keys -or- Fn + F10 + Shift keys, simultaneously.
4) Continue with the Salt installation on the minion.
5) Accept the terms of agreement.
6) Install
7) Install the vcredist package.
8) Finish and start the minion
The salt minion application is now installed on the computer and ready to communicate with the master. Note it will begin logging attempts to access the master, so to avoid creating a very large log file continue to accept the new minion key on the master. Otherwise in the last screen do not start the minion or at the command prompt enter:
C:\sc stop salt-minion
9) After the minion is installed go to the master and accept the new minion key.
root@master:/etc/salt/pki/master# salt-key Accepted Keys: Denied Keys: Unaccepted Keys: rsg-lt987 Rejected Keys: root@master:/etc/salt/pki/master# salt-key -a rsg-lt987 The following keys are going to be accepted: Unaccepted Keys: rsg-lt987 Proceed? [n/Y] Key for minion rsg-lt987 accepted.
10) Change to the directory where the state file is located.
root@master:/etc/salt/pki/master# cd /srv/salt
11) Update package cache on the minion:
root@master:/srv/saltstack/win# salt rsg-lt987 pkg.refresh_dbThis should take some time and report back with several hundred successes.
12) Execute the win10-setup-new.sls state.
Note that the "-t600" is a 10 minute wait for the state to finish. If installing many packages increase this time. If time runs out the master will not display the return value of the execution, although the state execution may have successfully completed.
root@master:/srv/salt# salt -t600 state.sls win10-setup-new
If it all passes the machine will reboot to a short OOBE. After answering the OOBE questions it will display the accounts login screen. The accounts created will only require the initial security preferences OOBE page to be configured on the initial login attempt.
@ECHO OFF title Install Windows Salt Minion powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {powercfg -x -monitor-timeout-ac 0; powercfg -x -disk-timeout-ac 0; powercfg -x -standby-timeout-ac 0;}" set minion=%1 Salt-Minion-3002.6-AMD64-Setup.exe /master= /minion-name=%minion%
root@master:/srv/salt# cat win10-setup-new.sls install_site_key: cmd.run: - name: powershell "changepk.exe /ProductKey xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" create_cscf-admin_account: user.present: - name: cscf-adm - groups: - Users - Administrators - Remote Desktop Users - home: C:\Users\cscf-adm - fullname: cscf-adm - password: CsAd2020 create_cscf-op_account: user.present: - name: cscf-op - groups: - Users - Administrators - Remote Desktop Users - home: C:\Users\cscf-op - fullname: cscf-op - password: CsOp2020 # Removes most of the OOBE for user accounts except for the Privacy Settings. stop_oobe_for_users: reg.present: - name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OOBE - vname: UnattendCreatedUser - vdata: 1 - vtype: REG_DWORD stop_oobe_animation_for_users: reg.present: - name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System - vname: EnableFirstLogonAnimation - vdata: 0 - vtype: REG_DWORD get_o365: file.managed: - name: C:\Users\Public\Desktop\OfficeSetup.exe - source: salt://OfficeSetup.exe get_vpn: file.managed: - name: C:\Users\Public\Desktop\anyconnect-win-4.9.04043-core-vpn-webdeploy-k9.exe - source: salt://anyconnect-win-4.9.04043-core-vpn-webdeploy-k9.exe get_cuda: file.managed: - name: C:\Users\Public\Desktop\cuda_11.1.0_456.43_win10.exe - source: salt://cuda_11.1.0_456.43_win10.exe install_cuda: cmd.run: - name: powershell "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\cuda_11.1.0_456.43_win10.exe -s" - requires: - get_cuda - turn_off_ps_security install_pkgs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - 7zip - gimp # - jdk8 - firefox_x64 - thunderbird - nextcloud-client # - owncloud - smartmontools - vlc - zoom - adobereader-xi - git - chrome - gvim - putty - teamviewer - texworks - virtualbox disable_NLA: reg.present: - name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-TCP - vname: UserAuthentication - vdata: 0 - vtype: REG_DWORD allow_rdp: module.run: - name: rdp.enable #install_wsl: # cmd.run: # - name: powershell "dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart" #install_wsl2: # cmd.run: # - name: powershell "dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart" #set_wsl2_default: # cmd.run: # - name: powershell 'wsl --set-default-version 2' txfr_set_name.ps1: file.managed: - name: C:\salt\conf\set_name.ps1 - source: salt://set_name.ps1 turn_off_ps_security: cmd.run: - name: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted - shell: powershell set_machine_name: cmd.run: - name: C:\salt\conf\set_name.ps1 - shell: powershell - requires: - txfr_set_name.ps1 - turn_off_ps_security enable_display_sleep: cmd.run: - name: powershell "powercfg -x -monitor-timeout-ac 5" enable_system_sleep: cmd.run: - name: powershell "powercfg -x -standby-timeout-ac 6" enable_disk_sleep: cmd.run: - name: powershell "powercfg -x -disk-timeout-ac 10" disable_minion_on_boot: cmd.run: - name: 'sc config "salt-minion" start= disabled' reboot_machine: cmd.run: - name: Restart-Computer -Force - shell: powershell - requires: - set_machine_name # - get_wsl_ubuntu # - set_wsl2_default # - install_wsl2 # - install_wsl - allow_rdp - disable_NLA - install_pkgs - install_cuda - get_vpn - get_o365 - create_cscf-op_account - create_cscf-admin_account - install_site_key
To change the name of the computer to match the minion name required a PowerShell script. This file needs to be in the same directory as the state file.
root@master:/srv/salt# cat set_name.ps1 $var1=Select-String -Path C:\salt\conf\minion -Pattern 'id:' $null,$name = $var1 -split 'id: ' Rename-Computer -NewName $name -Force
get_diskpart: file.managed: - name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\diskpart_shrink.txt - source: salt://diskpart_shrink.txt shrink_drive: cmd.run: - name: powershell "diskpart /s C:\WINDOWS\system32\diskpart_shrink.txt" - stateful: False - requires: - get_diskpart root@master:/srv/salt# cat diskpart_shrink.txt list volume select volume 2 shrink desired=30000 list volume exit
Install Chocolatey on the minion:
root@master:/srv/salt/win# salt -t 300 * pkg.install chocolatey
Check the installation:
root@master:/srv/salt/win# salt -t 100 myMinion chocolatey.bootstrap myMinion: Chocolatey found at C:\ProgramData\Chocolatey\bin\chocolatey.exe
Install a package via Chocolatey:
root@master:/etc/salt# salt -t 100 myMinion chocolatey.install sysinternals
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Finish.jpg | r1 | manage | 4154.7 K | 2020-12-04 - 13:45 | GordBoerke | |
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Install-vcredist.jpg | r1 | manage | 2524.4 K | 2020-12-04 - 13:45 | GordBoerke | |
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Install.jpg | r1 | manage | 3035.7 K | 2020-12-04 - 13:45 | GordBoerke | |
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RunBatchFile.jpg | r1 | manage | 3092.6 K | 2020-12-04 - 11:23 | GordBoerke | |
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TermsOfAgreement.jpg | r1 | manage | 2638.5 K | 2020-12-04 - 13:45 | GordBoerke | |
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WelcomToSaltStack.jpg | r1 | manage | 2634.7 K | 2020-12-04 - 13:22 | GordBoerke |