OFIS Notes from 12 Aug, 2010
Past CS tasks
- Daniel: Research Book work.
- Daniel: email OFIS list when CS profs get sent the email to update profiles
- Beth: (Aside: Dean's office conversations, regarding duplicate reports; thinks there's at least 1 FTE worth of savings...)
- Wants to clarify dean's office data wrt OFIS. How can she review what's in OFIS tables? phpMyAdmin has a module to map; also, Vu wants to make an entity-relationship diagram leading to an overall design ("uml" - dia app). jack: mysql-workbench is a good tool - gui-based.
- Beth wants diagram; she'll look in phpMyAdmin
- Will be talking with Faradun this week.
- Research data review with Marlon.
- Batch contribution import: Vu: will add links to contrib main page and make it a sub-section. And bibtex can be sub-section as well.
- Daniel: research book proceeding... feedback from profs. I will make updates to research-book code based on prof entries.
- testing CS-only contrib-format in form.
- will move into prod after tested.
- thinking about templating for different faculties... proposing: different templates; and also sometimes replacing code. minimal changes.
- Beth: what resources could we use? one or two database people; a UI person?
- Jack: looking at postgres; will need manual intervention. may have found a conversion script to help.
- Marlon: GSO import working; hopes to have it done this week? IST cleanup going into production soon.
- Vu: changes will require report updates; don't have ways to map a person to faculty/dep't for example.
- Marlon: was contacting someone claiming to have official mapping? (Beth: IAP cognos cubes: publicly accessible). Don't have orgunit number then... Discussion of getting this mapping... campus-wide source is not cystal clear, via watiam plans.
- Ray will be rebooting server some time soon.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel: various research book stuff.
-- DanielAllen - 12 Aug 2010