Daniel: email OFIS list when CS profs get sent the email to update profiles
Beth: (Aside: Dean's office conversations, regarding duplicate reports; thinks there's at least 1 FTE worth of savings...)
Wants to clarify dean's office data wrt OFIS. How can she review what's in OFIS tables? phpMyAdmin has a module to map; also, Vu wants to make an entity-relationship diagram leading to an overall design ("uml" - dia app). jack: mysql-workbench is a good tool - gui-based.
Beth wants diagram; she'll look in phpMyAdmin
Will be talking with Faradun this week.
Research data review with Marlon.
Batch contribution import: Vu: will add links to contrib main page and make it a sub-section. And bibtex can be sub-section as well.
Daniel: research book proceeding... feedback from profs. I will make updates to research-book code based on prof entries.
testing CS-only contrib-format in form.
will move into prod after tested.
thinking about templating for different faculties... proposing: different templates; and also sometimes replacing code. minimal changes.
Beth: what resources could we use? one or two database people; a UI person?
Jack: looking at postgres; will need manual intervention. may have found a conversion script to help.
Marlon: GSO import working; hopes to have it done this week? IST cleanup going into production soon.
Vu: changes will require report updates; don't have ways to map a person to faculty/dep't for example.
Marlon: was contacting someone claiming to have official mapping? (Beth: IAP cognos cubes: publicly accessible). Don't have orgunit number then... Discussion of getting this mapping... campus-wide source is not cystal clear, via watiam plans.
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.