This logout script is found under /Library/Scripts and currently just contains comments
#Update on June 27, 2006 - added support for 10.3 clients and other improvements
#Update on July 10, 2006 - added feature so that all local users will bypass redirection.
#Update on September 5, 2006 - added lines to logout script to delete the symlinks during logout, so that there is not an issue with people moving between machines and PHD syncing.

#Update Oct 13-16, 2006 - UW specific to avoid .cshrc error - add -f flag to su commands
# more extreme (works only for 10.4 clients; remove su (and tail EOF) and let the whole thing run as root
# add more cleanup on exit - Crash Logs

#Update Sept 25, 2007
# included cleanup for Microsoft Office redirection
# Sept 28, 2007 - don't replace Documents User Data
#    Don't remove ALL of Microsoft preferences folder - takes too long to re-create

# Update Jan 30, 2008 because of a problem with KeyAccess and Illustrator

#This will remove the contents of /tmp and will also delete the current user's Trash contents at logout.

# Aug 26, 2009 - Leopard OD can manage folder redirection via plugin
#    so comment out our folder re-direction of ~/Library/Caches, and ~/Library/Fonts

# revised Jan 30, 2008 to only remove sub-directories - KeyAccess puts a significant flag in /tmp
#   then firther restricted to only remove current user sub-directory - reboot will clear others
# Corrected Aug 25, 2008 - replace rmdir with rm-rf

# revised Jan 30, 2008 to only remove sub-directories - KeyAccess puts a significant flag in /tmp
#   then firther restricted to only remove current user sub-directory - reboot will clear others
# Corrected Aug 25, 2008 - replace rmdir with rm-rf

# January 2015 - added a kill -HUP to kill all user processes to better reflect statistics in SNMP

#Remember to run this script as a logout hook (sudo defaults write LogoutHook /path/to/script) so that it will run when each user logs out.

-- EdwardChrzanowski - 2014-09-19

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Topic revision: r3 - 2015-02-06 - EdwardChrzanowski
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