Grad Visit Day web application (v1)


Originally designed based on CSCF ST#86639
The TWiki page for v2 of this application, also based on CSCF ST#86639, can be found here: GradVisitDay3


Logging In

The web application can be accessed from the following URL:

You can access the application from off-campus. If you are not already logged into CAS, you will be prompted to do so. Enter your WatIAM credentials.

Application Features

Top Right Menu: Logout, Edit Meetings for Others, and Refresh Data

After logging into CAS, you will have access to use the application. The application is database driven and users are authorized through CAS and the database. If you are able to log into CAS and are presented with a message letting you know you are not authorized to use this application, you have not been added to the database and will need to contact Heather Steinmetz.

Once the application has loaded, in the top right you will see the following menu:

If you are an admin user, you will have access to the admin page, and a link to the admin page will be provided for you, as seen in the image above. If you are a regular user, you will only see the 'Logout' button. Pressing 'Logout' will log you out of CAS. Warning: This will log you out of all other services in the same browser that require CAS authentication (i.e. Learn, Quest, WatIAM).

Below this, there is the option to edit meetings for other users and to refresh the data on the screen. If you would like to edit meetings for other users, select their name from the drop-down box and press the 'Go' button.

The 'Refresh Data' button retrieves the latest information from the application database. This ensures that what you see is the latest information. Press this button (or simply use any page refresh feature in your browser) before booking meetings so you can see who has already been booked.

Meeting With and Meeting Location Options

When adding meetings, you will have the option to set who the meeting will be with and the location of the meeting. By default, your name will be filled in for 'Meeting With' and if you do not enter a meeting location, the location will be entered as 'Unspecified'.

To edit these options, simply use the text fields and hit 'Enter' on your keyboard, or press the buttons provided.

This is what it looks like when you have set a location:

Viewing Scheduled Meetings

Below the option to set meeting location you will see your scheduled meetings. Pressing 'Remove' will remove your meeting without warning. Pressing 'Edit location' will replace the 'Edit location' button with a text field where you can type a new location. After typing a new location, hit 'Enter' on your keyboard to set it.

Below this table, there is a button, 'Show All Meetings'. Pressing this button will replace the table for your scheduled meetings with a new table showing all scheduled meetings, not just your own.

Scheduling Meetings

To schedule a meeting, select the time you would like the meeting scheduled. The meeting will be scheduled for the time indicated on the button, at the location you set, and with the person specified in the 'Meeting With' textbox.

When a meeting has been booked for a specific time, that button will be greyed out. If a student has been booked for all three time periods, their name will also be greyed out. The system will prevent duplicate meetings from being booked, and you will be presented with a warning when you have two or more meetings booked for the same time.

All available grads will be sorted into two tables. The first table, 'Grads that have indicated interest in meeting with you ...', will show grads that have indicated interest in meeting with you. The other table, 'All other grads ...', will display all other grad students.

Developer Documentation


The web application can be found in three locations:

The application on the testing and prod machines use the same database (mysql170.cs) while the application on the dev machine (rsg-pc102.cs) uses a different database.

Database Management

The application uses a MySQL database. The database can be modified using the GUI applicaion phpMyAdmin.

Database Structure

The grad day application database is structured in the following way:

To view more information on the database, log into phpMyAdmin.

Using phpMyAdmin

Removing a row

To remove a row from a table (for example, if you would like to remove a grad student), log into phpMyAdmin and select
the database, 'app_grad_day'. You can do this be clicking the button 'app_grad_day (5)' on the left, or through the
'Databases' tab in the top menu.

Select the table you would like to modify, for example, 'profs'.
From the 'Browse' tab (top menu) scroll down to view the table information.
Click the 'Delete' button for the row/user you would like to remove.

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Topic revision: r8 - 2015-11-12 - DanielAllen
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