Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts User Stories

Is this suppose to be what type of queries clients want to be able to use?

Some of the Data queries that CSCF Infrastucture are Interested In

-- Dave Gawley - 2021-12-28

  1. Examples of queries that would be for School provisioned IT resource planning and access control:
    1. for current_date, generate a username list who are in (sponsorship data) GroupID (group label) that are members.
    2. for current_date, generate a username list who are in (HR or sponsorship data) GroupID (CS) that are Grads, Professors, and Lecturers.
    3. for the period 2021-01-01 to 2021-04-31 (2021 Winter term), generate a username list who are in (HR or sponsorship data) GroupID (CS) that are Sessional_Lecturers.
    4. for the period 2021-01-01 to 2021-12-31 (2021 calendar year) generate a username list who are in (Quest or sponsorship data) GroupID (CS teaching lab group label) that are Undergrad students.
    5. for the period 2021-10-28 to 2022-01-26 (start of w2022 students info available in quest through to day after w2022 terms drop deadline) generate a username list who are in (Quest or sponsorship data) GroupID (Math Faculty) that are Undergrad students.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2021-12-29 - DaveGawley
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