OFIS Notes from 17 Jul 2009
- Beth talked with Martha __ about Eng. Faculty webpages: want common look-and-feel. Can Ofis do this?
- Marlon: working on cleaning up Ofc of Rch data: Audry Slavota and he will meet; she says their 20 odd records are due to cleanup they've fixed over time; he will re-import ofc of rch data post-cleanup.
- Questions to consider: categories of faculty: From HR. Adjunct, regular, visiting, postdoc. Adjunct includes graduate students or staff who've taught.
- Add contract employees? They teach, right? But nobody has shown up missing...
- What about researchers who aren't faculty? Do they need to make merit reports?
- Dawn: curious if non-faculty instructors in CS do merit reports?
- Staff in OFIS: as delegates, can be added right now, OFIS can handle it.
Upcoming Tasks
- Daniel: report to list on http://www.tug.org/utilities/texconv/textopc.html
and bibtex exporting (xml, other formats?)
- Daniel: remind Peter about report on usage <-- asked peter via email
- Daniel: get information from current OFIS users
- Daniel: next steps toward output template development
-- DanielAllen - 24 Jul 2009