How To Use WebCalendar

To post a new event in the Web Calendar system, use the following steps. Please note that Step 2 is crucial, as things will appear to work but will not actually work if you skip this (we are aware that this is not ideal):

  1. Go to (you will need your UwdirPassword)
  2. At the bottom of the page it should say "Manage calendar of:" followed by one or more "sponsors", typically the name of a research group or department. Click on the one whose events you wish to work with.
  3. Verify that the name of the sponsor (research group, department, etc.) appears near the top of the page, along with "-- Assistant mode --", rather than your name.
  4. Use the arrows at the top left and top right of the page to navigate to the correct week.
  5. Click on the "+" symbol corresponding to the day and time of the beginning of the event.
  6. Fill in the fields as follows:
    1. Brief Description: The title of the talk or event
    2. Full Description: The abstract of the talk or description of the event
    3. Access: Leave as "Public"
    4. Category: Select the type of event, or "None" if none are applicable
    5. Date: Should already be correct
    6. Time: Should already be correct. Change "Timed Event" to "Untimed Event" for something that doesn't take place at a specific time, such as a high school visit day
    7. Duration: Change to the duration of the talk
    8. Room Location: If applicable
    9. Show on Front Page: Change to "Yes" if the event should appear on the main page in the events box
    10. Speaker/Affiliation: Fill in the name of the speaker and where they are from
    11. Send Reminder: Typically, simply click the "Yes" button and email reminders will be sent 4 hours before the event
  7. Check over the form to make sure everything looks right.
  8. Click "Save".
  9. Go to to see all the upcoming events, which should include the one you just posted.

-- IsaacMorland - 14 Feb 2006

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif new.gif r1 manage 0.5 K 2006-02-14 - 09:42 IsaacMorland The "+" symbol used by WebCalendar to create new events.
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Topic revision: r2 - 2008-11-11 - IsaacMorland
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