How To Use WebCalendar
To post a new event in the Web Calendar system, use the following steps. Please note that Step 2 is crucial, as things will appear to work but will not actually work if you skip this (we are aware that this is not ideal):
- Go to
(you will need your UwdirPassword)
- At the bottom of the page it should say "Manage calendar of:" followed by one or more "sponsors", typically the name of a research group or department. Click on the one whose events you wish to work with.
- Verify that the name of the sponsor (research group, department, etc.) appears near the top of the page, along with "-- Assistant mode --", rather than your name.
- Use the arrows at the top left and top right of the page to navigate to the correct week.
- Click on the "
" symbol corresponding to the day and time of the beginning of the event.
- Fill in the fields as follows:
- Brief Description: The title of the talk or event
- Full Description: The abstract of the talk or description of the event
- Access: Leave as "Public"
- Category: Select the type of event, or "None" if none are applicable
- Date: Should already be correct
- Time: Should already be correct. Change "Timed Event" to "Untimed Event" for something that doesn't take place at a specific time, such as a high school visit day
- Duration: Change to the duration of the talk
- Room Location: If applicable
- Show on Front Page: Change to "Yes" if the event should appear on the main
page in the events box
- Speaker/Affiliation: Fill in the name of the speaker and where they are from
- Send Reminder: Typically, simply click the "Yes" button and email reminders will be sent 4 hours before the event
- Check over the form to make sure everything looks right.
- Click "Save".
- Go to
to see all the upcoming events, which should include the one you just posted.
-- IsaacMorland - 14 Feb 2006