-- MikeGore - 20 Mar 2012

Bootable USB KEY with all of ASIMOV's PXE boot functions



  • We assume you are running Ubuntu Linux on your local workstation
  • You have access to ASIMOV as an admin and know the cscf-adm password
    • That you have asimov:/images/rawiso mounted via ssh_fs
    • See: UbuntuScripts#mnt_asimov
      • This script will create a directory ~/asimov on you linux workstation home directory. Then mount the common ASIMOV directories there.
  • You have a 4G USB KEY, or larger,for the full install.
    • - OR - 1G, or larger, for the Light install

Install and Format USB KEY

  • NOTE: We format your USB KEY!
  • cd ~/asimov/rawiso/linux_utils/RIP
  • fdisk -l (find the partition of your USB key - we assume /dev/sdh1 here)
  • ./mkusb_acronis -f RIP13.7/RIPLinuX-13.7-new.iso /dev/sdh1
    • you will be prompted for the cscf-adm password unless you have an SSH key
    • Wait a long time - this will move a bit over 3G to your key * about 30 minutes or more depending on speed of USB KEY

Install without formating USB KEY

  • Note: We do NOT format your USB key
  • We assume you already have an active partition with boot code
  • cd ~/asimov/rawiso/linux_utils/RIP
  • fdisk -l (find the partition of your USB key - we assume /dev/sdh1 here)
  • ./mkusb_acronis RIP13.7/RIPLinuX-13.7-new.iso /dev/sdh1
    • you will be prompted for the cscf-adm password unless you have an SSH key
    • Wait a long time - this will move a bit over 3G to your key * about 30 minutes or more depending on speed of USB KEY

RIP"> Light Version with Just RIP

RIP only install a"> Install light RIP only install and Format USB KEY

  • NOTE: We format your USB KEY!
  • cd ~/asimov/rawiso/linux_utils/RIP
  • cd RIP13.7 - or the version you want
  • fdisk -l (find the partition of your USB key - we assume /dev/sdh1 here)
  • ./mkusb.sh -f RIP13.7/RIPLinuX-13.7-new.iso /dev/sdh1
    • Wait about 10 minutes - this will move a bit over 300Meg to your key * or more depending on speed of USB KEY

RIP only Install w"> Install light RIP only Install without formating USB KEY

  • Note: We do NOT format your USB key
    • We assume youre key is FAT32 with boot code and an active partition
  • cd ~/asimov/rawiso/linux_utils/RIP
  • cd RIP13.7 - or the version you want
  • fdisk -l (find the partition of your USB key - we assume /dev/sdh1 here)
  • ./mkusb.sh RIP13.7/RIPLinuX-13.7-new.iso /dev/sdh1
    • Wait about 10 minutes - this will move a bit over 300Meg to your key * or more depending on speed of USB KEY


  • The file test_add_acronis tests the syslinux.cfg editing function in script add_acronis.
  • What it does: We want to take ASIMOV's /tftpboot/pxe/pxelinux.cfg/default file and merge ONLY PART of it with the RIP syslinux.cfg file. The syslinux.cfg file in this directory is just for testing. We have special comments in ASIMOV's default file that are used to trim the stuff we want out of it.
  • ./test_add_acronis will edit the local syslinux.cfg in place. List the file after you run it
  • Support Files:
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatext add_acronis r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 2.0 K 2012-03-21 - 13:01 MikeGore  
Unknown file formatext add_ghost r1 manage 10.9 K 2012-03-21 - 09:20 MikeGore  
Unknown file formatext mkusb_acronis r1 manage 8.8 K 2012-03-21 - 09:25 MikeGore  
Unknown file formatcfg syslinux.cfg r1 manage 6.6 K 2012-03-21 - 13:02 MikeGore  
Unknown file formatext test_add_acronis r1 manage 0.1 K 2012-03-21 - 13:02 MikeGore  
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Topic revision: r3 - 2012-03-21 - MikeGore
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