This is a work in progress.
ToDo: we have a non-teaching minimal image, that we use as a start for the admin staff.
Where else do we use it ?
ToDo: determine for sure what we'll use for the grads.
We record teaching software requests in a database. The command (on linux.cs) `course-software-sum | grep MacOS` will show software needs (for the current term, although that can be specified). In general, once a course needs some software, it's left installed, on the assumption that it will be likely needed in later terms.
Some of the software is licensed only teaching:
Until the recent advent of a "Special Events" image (see below), we would also leave installed all of the software needed for all of the events. That was a problem when some software broke others, so we don't do that any more.
When we have the disk space (almost always), we have at least two partitions, one for the current/standard lab image, and one for the next version, for both testing and quick/easy changes to the new version. See Mac multiboot documentation for details.
When we have the disk space (not always, although we do for enough of the labs), we have a third OS image, in which we guarantee that the software needed for a specific special event will work. The software installed can thius vary across events, however that only need happen should the software for an event conflict with existing software, or when dealing with temporarily licensed software. Currently, the only record we have of event requests is in ST.
We use the teaching lab image, without the licensed software that requires that it be used only for teaching. We don't provide a Special Events image, however we do provide an Upcoming image. For now, these are part of cs-general. However, since it's for course only grad students, should we not give them all cs-teaching accounts, and have these machines be cs-teaching machines. Either way, the default printers would be different.
We conjecture that they can/should be the same as the Course Masters Room image as long as those are cs-general. The default printers are specific to grads.
We record administrative staff needs in
We use the same image as is used for the Course Masters Room.