We record our understanding of what computing resources instructors need. It is used to determine if we have the right software installed, to email instructors each term asking them about their needs, and to make the information visible in WWW pages (TBD).
The data is stored in a relational database, for ease of access by software, and a text file, for ease of updating by humans. The text file is considered authoritative.
The text file is
linux.cscf:/software/courses-cscf/data/config/sponsorships/Term Bill had said linux.cswhere term names are of the form [WSF]\d\d\d\d, e.g.
cp F2015 W2016
When the file is updated, the database is updated by:
crdb-in /software/courses-cscf/data/config/sponsorships/Term | psql -h postgres.cs -d postgres -f /dev/stdinwhich assumes that you have a login to the database, and that it has the needed permissions, by being a member of the "_cscf_root" role. It's a PostgreSQL database and the Who Does What list suggests (as of 2015-08) that Isaac can provide the needed access. The access approach is an example of the general approach to access to public data.
The software used is on linux.cs, in
/software/courses-cscf/maintenance/A simple description of command options is available via the "-v -h" options for each command. Details of a primary use may be found in description of the start of term email to instructors. The command
/software/courses-cscf/maintenance/course-software-sumprovides a dump of the current data, in tab separated columns, with one row for each resource.
The text file is a set of multiline directives. Indented text is considered to be part of the previous line. Comments are allowed, starting with "#", both as complete lines and appended to data lines.
A typical example of both single line and multiline syntax is:
course cs487 wants the software Maple in the student/Unix environment. course cs488 wants the software Gtkglext, Gtkmm 2.4.x, Lua 5.1.2, OpenGL, # is there a specific version needed ? "Python 2.x", freeglut3, freeglut3-dev, glc-capture, glc-play, "gtkglextmm 1.0.*", libOpenAL, libSDL, libSDL_mixer, libboost-dev, libbullet-dev, libglfw-dev, libpng12, qt5 (deb:qt5, deb:qt5-qmake, deb:qtbase5-dev-tools), AntTweakBar (ST #101410, http://anttweakbar.sourceforge.net/doc/), GLFW (ST #101410, http://www.glfw.org/), Premake5 (ST #101410, https://premake.github.io/download.html) in the student/lab/graphics environment.
The general syntax is:
<sponsor> wants the <resources>
A <sponsor> is one of:
course <course_name> userid <userid> event <event>Courses can be pluralized, with a list of comma and slash separated courses, e.g.
course cs488/688 wants ... courses cs371, cm271, amat341 wants ...
<resources> is one of:
software <software> [somewhere | in the <environment> environment]. <environment> environment. userid <userid>.<software> is either a comma separated list of software names, or a pair of software names separated by "and". Each software name can have a "hint" about where to find the software, and/or the ST number of why it's needed. The <hint> is parenthesized text.
Environment Description student/Unix linux.student.cs student/WWW www.student.cs student/lab/graphics the graphics lab (MC3007) student/lab/mac the Mac labs student/lab/networks the Networks lab (MC3007a) student/lab/realtime the Realtime lab (MC3022) student/utility the Ugsters
A dump of the database in text form can be had by
The database resides on postgres.cs in the _cscf
There are three tables, each owned by _cscf_root
with read access for _cscf_web
course-sql -d CSCFcommand provides direct SQL access to it. The SQL to create the tables, enums, types, and functions used resides in
/software/courses-cscf/data/sql/schemaThere are some other handy SQL fragments as well, documented in
The tables describe "sponsors", the "resources" they can sponsor, and the many-to-many relationship between the two. There are SQL comments associated with fields and tables and types. The following descriptions are just copies of what the '\\d' command in `psql` shows ('\\d+' is too wide for this TWiki page).
The table "sponsors" describes who or what is causing a resource to exist. It's almost always a course. Later it might expand to include instructors that have specific preferences. It is defined as:
postgres=> \d _cscf.sponsors Table "_cscf.sponsors" Column | Type | Modifiers ---------+-------------+------------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('sponsors_id_seq'::regclass) type | sponsortype | not null sponsor | text | not null Indexes: "sponsors_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "sponsors_type_sponsor_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (type, sponsor) Referenced by: TABLE "sponsorship" CONSTRAINT "sponsorship_sponsor_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (sponsor_id) REFERENCES sponsors(id) postgres=> select unnest(enum_range(NULL::sponsorType)) as sponsorType; sponsortype -------- course userid
An example of the data:
postgres=> select * from _cscf.sponsors order by type,sponsor limit 2; id | type | sponsor ----+--------+--------- 1 | course | amat341 2 | course | amat740
The table "resources" describes what a sponsor can cause to exist. It's almost always a software need. It is defined as:
postgres=> \d _cscf.resources Table "_cscf.resources" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------+------------------+-------------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('resources_id_seq'::regclass) type | resourcetype | not null resource | text | not null location | resourcelocation | not null default ''::resourcelocation userid | text | not null default ''::text hint | resourcehint | not null default ''::text Indexes: "resources_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "resources_type_resource_location_userid_hint_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (type, resource, location, userid, hint) Referenced by: TABLE "sponsorship" CONSTRAINT "sponsorship_resource_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (resource_id) REFERENCES resources(id) postgres=> \dT List of data types Schema | Name | Description --------+------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _cscf | client_type | the client, group of clients, or activity that one can be a Point of Contact for _cscf | resourcehint | an environment specific package name if resourceType is "software" _cscf | resourcelocation | where the resource is to be instantiated, if not deducible _cscf | resourcetype | about the "resource" value: + | | software: the well known name of a software package/system + | | userid: the standard userid to allocate, or a pathname of userids + | | group: the name of a group, with possible membership of the "userid" field + | | _cscf | sponsortype | the type of sponsor postgres=> select unnest(enum_range(NULL::resourcelocation)) as resourcelocation; resourcelocation ---------------------- student student/Unix student/WWW student/utility student/lab/mac student/lab/graphics student/lab/networks student/lab/realtime postgres=> select unnest(enum_range(NULL::resourceType)) as resourceType; resourcetype -------------- software userid group
An example of the data:
postgres=> select * from _cscf.resources limit 2; id | type | resource | location | userid | hint ----+----------+-------------------+-----------------+--------+------ 1 | software | Acrobat Reader | student/lab/mac | | 2 | software | Adobe Illustrator | student/lab/mac | |
The "sponsorship" table describes the relationships between sponsors and resources. Each row provides the term to which it applies. We want it to sort easily, so it's a date (of the first day of the appropriate month).
Each of the sponsors and resources tables have a primary id that increments, used in this table.
postgres=> \d _cscf.sponsorship Table "_cscf.sponsorship" Column | Type | Modifiers ---------------+---------+----------- sponsor_id | integer | not null resource_id | integer | not null when_term | date | not null documentation | text | Indexes: "sponsorship_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sponsor_id, resource_id, when_term) Foreign-key constraints: "sponsorship_resource_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (resource_id) REFERENCES resources(id) "sponsorship_sponsor_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (sponsor_id) REFERENCES sponsors(id)
As such, the raw data doesn't visualize well. To help with that, there's some SQL to show the tables, and then show the result of applying the sponsorships.
postgres=> \i data/sql/show -------------------------------------------------------------- sponsors id | type | sponsor ----+--------+--------- 1 | course | amat341 2 | course | amat740 3 | course | cm271 4 | course | cm375 5 | course | cm433 6 | course | cm770 7 | course | cs100 8 | course | cs115 ... -------------------------------------------------------------- resources id | type | resource | location | userid | hint -----+----------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------------+--------+------ 1 | software | Acrobat Reader | student/lab/mac | | 2 | software | Adobe Illustrator | student/lab/mac | | 3 | software | Adobe Photoshop Elements CS5 | student/lab/mac | | 4 | software | Apache | student/lab/mac | | ... -------------------------------------------------------------- sponsorship sponsor_id | resource_id | when_term | documentation ------------+-------------+------------+--------------- 67 | 24 | 2015-09-01 | 67 | 25 | 2015-09-01 | 67 | 33 | 2015-09-01 | 67 | 48 | 2015-09-01 | 67 | 56 | 2015-09-01 | ... -------------------------------------------------------------- result type | sponsor | type | resource | location | term --------+---------+----------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------------+------------ course | amat341 | software | Matlab | student/Unix | 2015-09-01 course | amat740 | software | Matlab | student/Unix | 2015-09-01 course | cm271 | software | Matlab | student/Unix | 2015-09-01 course | cm375 | software | Matlab | student/Unix | 2015-09-01 course | cm433 | software | Maple | student/Unix | 2015-09-01 ...
The basic query to join the three tables is:
for some choice of $term_date, e.g. '2015-09-01'.select sponsors.type, sponsors.sponsor, resources.type, resources.resource, resources.location, resources.userid, resources.hint from sponsors, resources, sponsorship where sponsorship.sponsor_id = sponsors.id and sponsorship.resource_id = resources.id and sponsorship.when_term = '$term_date'
If you're using Perl to access the data, this can be seen in /software/courses-cscf/lib/course_database.pm in the &sponsorships() function.
Sometimes it's necessary to change the schema, typically by modifying the ResourceLocation to include a new environment. The first step is to update /software/courses-cscf/data/sql/schema. Then
alter type ResourceLocation add value 'student/lab/mobile' after 'student/lab/realtime';