From April 29 meeting:
This week, I talked to Lori Suess [Client Support, Math] about student evaluations.
She (actually Jim Johnston [Software Specialist/manager]) receives two data-sources each term: excel from Math Undergrad Office; and a floppy disk of data from IST. She sent me a sample of each. These are merged with a canned output-template to produce the evaluation pages, in .ps, text, and ([t]roff) format. That output is sent to Frank Tompa (and the student math office; for the book). It is not archived by Math.
The floppy from ist contains a text file with individual coded student responses
517000001001041907001 5363 #0001 N 51001 517000002001041907001 5363 #0001 N 232316211223332 517000003001041907001 5363 #0001 N 132216221222321 517000004001041907001 5363 #0001 N 131 26211132331 517000005001041907001 5363 #0001 N 231116311223322 517000006001041907001 5363 #0001 N 232116211222332 517000007001041907001 5363 #0001 N 122116221223313 517000008001041907001 5363 #0001 N 232216211232211[...]
517000083001041907001 5363 #0001 N 231233 22222323 517000084001041907001 5363 #0001 N 231236221222331 517000085001041907001 5363 #0001 N 51002 517000086001041907001 5363 #0001 N 523446253222232[...]
First row denotes a class; following rows are individual student responses, up until the non-indented delimiter "51002".
[card number from student] [garbage data; always the same] [course number 51001]
Excel data from Math Undergraduate Office
Index # | Subject | Catalog | Sect | Last Name | First Name | Middle | Tot Enrl | Dept. |
12311 | ACTSC | 231 | 001 | Chisholm | Diana | Katherine | 157 | MC 6136 |
12321 | ACTSC | 232 | 001 | Chisholm | Diana | Katherine | 92 | MC 6136 |
13311 | ACTSC | 331 | 001 | Cai | Jun | 105 | MC 6136 | |
13711 | ACTSC | 371 | 001 | Kim | Hyun Tae | 126 | MC 6136 | |
13721 | ACTSC | 372 | 001 | Hardy | Mary | R | 155 | MC 6136 |
14331 | ACTSC433/ACTSC833 | 001 | Li | Siu Hang | 61 | MC 6136 |
How does this turn into the free-form text?
bash-3.00$ ls -la /fsys2/source/course-evaluation/ceqsum/ceqsum -r-xr-xr-x 1 root none 23004 Apr 13 2005 /fsys2/source/course-evaluation/ceqsum/ceqsum -rw-r--r-- 1 drallen other 24923 May 14 13:43 bash-3.00$ diff -w /fsys2/source/course-evaluation/ceqsum/ceqsum |wc 126 525 3819The diff appears to include input-data differences as well as output-formatting. As listed at the header of both files,
is (lightly) commented.
Lori suggested that she would be happy to email us a copy of the .txt and excel data each term. They would be pleased to work with me/us to find some solution that feels less clunky than the current system.
I said I would check back with Lori when we are moving forward, or in a few months with an update of where things are.
Other things in meeting: Beth Jukes collected a list of 10 sub-projects currently being worked on. These included bug fixes, adding campus-wide data for teaching-roster via Quest (new version of Quest coming out); and the three major CS tasks: specific report templates, importing and producing "Research report" book data and student-evaluation import.
Noki (Nokhez) is new co-op employee. he's working on adding popup help information; and data-import (adding exams of PEng students to prof records of service).
Beth notes that in six months or possibly more, campus may have common teaching evaluations and common merit-report formats. A Merit Report committee was formed a year ago by the Salary Negotation Committee (which she was on). 2 weeks ago the subcommittee suggested the university should switch to a common merit report format.
-- DanielAllen - 14 May 2009