

rt-import-todo ( [queue=<name>] [(+|-)warn <message>] [debug=<flags>] [<todofile>] )*


is the ST queue name (the internal "queue_id" field) to specify for imported items. It defaults to "test", presumably to avoid accidents.

is the complete text of a warning message to enable or inhibit. By default, almost all warnings are enabled. You'll have to either read the code or look at program output to see what the messages are.

determines what debugging will happen:
  • n: show, but don't do the import
  • d: show
  • m: show %mapped_headers
  • T: prepend "TEST-" to some fields
  • p: ?
  • P: show all priorities found

is the name of a file of "todo" format items to import into ST, defaulting to standard input. See /soft- ware/service-request_master/doc/item for a description of such items.


rt-import-todo imports an input in the form of "todo" items into ST items. It's used by the "gripe" reading mech- anism in the service-request_master package.

See Also

  • service-request_master(8) - uses this.
  • /software/service-request_master/doc/item - format of a "todo" item.

-- IsaacMorland - 06 Apr 2006

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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-09-06 - BillInce
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