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In 0.8, at dlgawley's suggestion, I upgraded to the 2.6 kernel with the kernel-image-2.6.7-1-686-smp package and associated bits.

Attached is the raw dmesg output from the first boot.

See especially the section starting with PnPBIOS and also there may be issues with sound, although it seems to work ok so maybe that's a non-issue.

gpm doesn't start at boot - but it will start by hand. This breaks the mouse in X11. sigh, I hate mice.

williams.cscf refused to boot the 2.6 kernel. After much investigation by MikePatterson and SevernTsui (with input from LawrenceFolland), it turns out that the problem is a USB 2.0 7 in 1 card reader combined with newer BIOS releases on an Asus P4P800VM motherboard and a 2.6 kernel.

Current workarounds:

  • disable USB 2.0 in the BIOS (actually, just changing USB 2.0 support from "HiSpeed" to "FullSpeed" seems to help - unttil today, 8 Nov, when upgrading an experimental box: kernel panics w/ 2.6.9 kernel at boot again! Had to re-disable USB 2.0 support - MikePatterson)
  • unplug the card reader
  • ??? perhaps 2.6.8 will fix this
  • ??? perhaps Asus has some fix (but the beta BIOS release 06/08/2004 didn't fix it, but AlexRoman says he found a BIOS that does work)
Notes: describes issues with ACPI and USB in Debian.

I tried building my own kernel to rectify this.

First: williams:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.7# cp /boot/config-2.6.7-1-686-smp ./.config

then make oldconfig Then configure the kernel Old CPU default (despite -i686-smp) was PPro. So let's change that to P4. Support ACPI, but not APM. Let's not bother with PCMCMCMCMCIA support. Disable OHCI; lspci tells us our USB controller is UHCI and Claus Spitzer tells me that OHCI causes issues for him.

So, with config done: make-kpkg --append-to-version -uw-cscf --revision mpatters.0 binary modules_image

And let's see what happens... well, we got some debs, so install in following order:

williams:/usr/src# dpkg -i kernel-headers-2.6.7-uw-cscf_mpatters.0_i386.deb
williams:/usr/src# dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.7-uw-cscf_mpatters.0_i386.deb

That didn't work out so well; it panicked trying to mount root. But I checked and ext2 and 3 support are enabled, and the GRUB rules are the same.

But IDE support seems to have been a module - doh! Build it in and try again with

make-kpkg --append-to-version -uw-cscf --revision mpatters.1 binary modules_image
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatext dmesg_26issues r1 manage 14.8 K 2004-08-16 - 14:04 MikePatterson First 2.6 boot dmesg output
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Topic revision: r10 - 2013-08-01 - DrewPilcher
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