OFIS Notes from 19 Jun 2009
- Ray will add shell access. uses nexus p/w
Latex: Daniel reported on TeX4ht. latex to HTML/xml/open-office and (via html) can be opened in Word.
- Daniel will investigate: does htmltidy clean up the messy html?
- question about bibtex. can it export?
- Daniel will post to list with details of exporting to xml / other formats
Marlon reported that the office of research data feed will soon include campus-wide historical data (for profs' advising records)
HR feed: does include adjuncts and visiting professors, but doesn't include "contract" faculty, currently.
Daniel asked about "engineer professor on the street" question.
- Marlon would find that useful information, as well, prof feedback.
- Peter offered to share their report on current usage. pretty charts include department histograms. not by name, but I can take a random sample from a department that has lots of recent use.
- in engineering, 50% of profs use this period, versus 56% last.
- Office of Research uses it to look at their own data.
- Mech, CE probably don't use much.
- biggest complaint is probably going to be "data is incomplete/inaccurate"
- the GSO data was bad; it's getting better now, but no clear idea of how bad it still is, except if people complain.
Sharepoint: discussion.
- Beth used "infopath" (a sub-tool?) to generate HTML forms. these forms upload directly to sharepoint.
- ecshare.uwaterloo.ca - test server. beth/peter have admin access.
- beth's demo: views of tables for different users. RO or RW.
- can be viewed in IE (& FF?) (& non-windows OS?)
- Daniel asked about data validation. It can validate for simple types (numeric).
- problem is: data integrity, unique keys.
- open software that performs the same functionality?
- "zimba" ?
- zimbra.com: email/calendar/document management. doesn't seem to compete on forms-generation/viewing
- Daniel will ask online about open-source gui form-builder, mysql data view.
- Marlon thinks there's an excel spreadsheet views system?
discussion: phpCake is a MVC framework.
Past Tasks:
Upcoming Tasks
- Daniel: report to list on http://www.tug.org/utilities/texconv/textopc.html
and bibtex exporting (xml, other formats?)
- Daniel: does htmltidy clean up TeX4ht?
- Daniel: get information from current OFIS users
- Daniel: remind Peter about report on usage
- Daniel: open software that performs same functionality as sharepoint (as far as we need?) Will ask online about open-source gui form-builders with mysql data views.
- Ray: add Daniel to ofis host for shell access