1535h - 1620h 04 January 2005
Nancy, Lawrence, Mike
Mike's agenda:
- overview of sarge upgrades - do we want to autosync packages in mudge region?
- printing / new lab?
- Nancy: would like some advance notice before we move things. Several students are finishing PhDs - they in particular will need notice. Lawrence says we'll try to do things for the "important" people ASAP.
- Mike: mudge etc upgrades went fine, mudge now has much more home directory.
- We'll move print serving off of jasper to mudge for the HP printer; the colour printer will stay with SWAG. So at some point Mike will need to get mudge talking to that printer.
- Nancy: what about moving PCs to sarge? She thinks it's best to wait til after the move (Mike agrees). Do we want to leave them at dual-boot? Nancy thinks not.
- zchaff: don't need to build it, Mark has already resolved this with Hazam.
- UPS talkage to mudge: Lawrence wants to talk to Dave about that general topic, because it goes along with LOM and such.
- synchronizing packages between mudge and the rest of the region: let's just modify plg's script and Mike can do it by hand.
Nancy has some questions regarding the tablet. She's already ordered the video cable. She's concerned about a USB KVM (the PS2 didn't work very well) because the Techshop told her that sometimes it can take 5s to switch between machines. Lawrence's is an iogear and he hasn't seen too many issues (but the KVM does sometimes lock up). Nancy gave an account number to Lawrence and he'll get Phil to cause one to appear. Nancy's been having trouble with XF86Config, Alex will take another look.