cd /srv/saltstack/pillar/cscf_apacheAdd vhost to
(alphabetically, please! In vim, you can select with V and :sort)
root@salt-204:/srv/saltstack/pillar/cscf_apache# salt -N www-154 state.apply --state-verbose=False cscf_apache test=TrueIgnore symlink warnings...
root@salt-204:/srv/saltstack/pillar/cscf_apache# salt -N www-154 state.apply --state-verbose=False cscf_apacheTest that is still functional.
cd /srv/salt-master/pillar/haproxy_bionic/backendsAdd entry to
under haproxy:backends:extra_vhosts (alphabetically, please). Also add www and site aliases to haproxy:backends:alias_vhosts if it is appropriate these aliases should appear in the TLS cert
root@salt-cscf-2004:/srv/salt-master/pillar/haproxy_bionic# salt -N haproxy-bionic state.apply --state-verbose=False test=True
root@salt-cscf-2004:/srv/salt-master/pillar/haproxy_bionic# salt -N haproxy-bionic state.apply --state-verbose=False
roor@linux.cs:/var/www# mkdir
chown -R username:GID chmod 2775
[2020-09-24 14:46:43]: uid: (33/username) gid: (33/username) cmd: index.php [2020-09-24 14:46:45]: target uid/gid (4179/4189) mismatch with directory (4179/17110) or program (4179/17110)
root@linux.cs:/var/www# echo hi >
root@salt-204:~# salt -N www-154 service.reload apache2A second restart may be required for LDAP services to catch up.
Test site... And to make sure no regressions.
root@salt-204:~# cd /srv/saltstack/pillar/cscf_apache root@salt-204:/srv/saltstack/pillar/cscf_apache# git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: cs.sls modified: ../haproxy_bionic/haproxy/backends/www_cs.sls modified: ../iaas/201/m3.sls no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
root@salt-204:/srv/saltstack/pillar/cscf_apache# git add cs.sls root@salt-204:/srv/saltstack/pillar/cscf_apache# git add ../haproxy_bionic/haproxy/backends/www_cs.sls root@salt-root@salt-204:/srv/saltstack/pillar/cscf_apache# git commit --author="Lori Paniak "
Add a a commit message with details of changes and RT # on third line eg.
Changes to support addition of grec.cs virtual host #RT1092612
git push
Expect a commit email from