The Art of Xhier and Web Page Maintenance

Within our web sites (www.cs and www.math) there are many pages that should not be modified on the local web server. These pages are part of an Xhier package. For example, the help pages for ST are part of the package "rt-math-1". We will look at the example of the following page:

How can I tell?

  • cd to the directory where the file lives. In this case:
    • cd /software/
  • if you do an "ls" you will notice that there is no RCS directory (that's your first clue - all web pages are either RCS'ed - either locally or in an Xhier package)
  • if you run pwd you will see the path:
    • /fsys1/.software/share/rt-math-1/doc/request/fields
    • which indicates it's in the "rt-math-1" package

Ok, so how do I update that page?

  • First, you need to find out where this package comes from, so that you go to the source and update it there
  • run xh-dist-hosts -F -p rt-math-1
    • In this case, we get the following:
shared core.cs
structure core.cs
arch core.cs
admin core.cs
fpa core.cs
getwd core.cs
man_pages core.cs
ALL core.cs

  • You can also run xh-ancestors rt-math-1 which displays:
    • unfortunately, this is not in the hierarchical order you might hope, so it's difficult to determine what the "top level" is.
  • So, I just go to the next level up (core.cs, in this case, according to xh-dist-hosts) and repeat
  • core.cs: xh-dist-hosts -F -p rt-math-1
core.cs# xh-dist-hosts -F -p rt-math-1
shared sun580
structure sun580
arch sun580
admin cscf.cs
fpa sun580
getwd sun580
man_pages sun580
ALL cscf.cs sun580

  • Hmmm, at this point I'm stuck, cuz I don't think I have a login on sun580 ...
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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-09-06 - BillInce
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