Within our web sites (www.cs and www.math) there are many pages that should not be modified on the local web server. These pages are part of an Xhier package. For example, the help pages for ST are part of the package "rt-math-1". We will look at the example of the following page:
cd /software/wwwdata_cs.uwaterloo.ca/data/www/cscf/internal/rtDoc/fields
you will see the path: /fsys1/.software/share/rt-math-1/doc/request/fields
xh-dist-hosts -F -p rt-math-1
shared core.cs structure core.cs arch core.cs admin core.cs fpa core.cs getwd core.cs man_pages core.cs ALL core.cs
xh-ancestors rt-math-1
which displays:
capo core.cs sun580
xh-dist-hosts -F -p rt-math-1
core.cs# xh-dist-hosts -F -p rt-math-1 shared sun580 structure sun580 arch sun580 admin cscf.cs fpa sun580 getwd sun580 man_pages sun580 ALL cscf.cs sun580