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Configuration for VLAN 26 (csresearch2); 2010-9-20


This network is routed on the Netscreen firewall dc-csfw1.


set interface "Redundant2.18" tag 26 zone Zone5

set interface "Redundant2.18" ip
set interface "Redundant2.18" route
set interface "Redundant2.18" ip manageable
set interface "Redundant2.18" manage ping
set interface "Redundant2.18" protocol rip
set interface "Redundant2.18" protocol rip enable

set interface "Redundant2.18:1" ip
set interface "Redundant2.18:1" route
set interface "Redundant2.18:1" ip manageable
set interface "Redundant2.18:1" manage ping
set interface "Redundant2.18:1" protocol rip
set interface "Redundant2.18:1" protocol rip enable
set vrouter untrust-vr access-list 2 permit ip 12

set vrouter trust-vr
 set access-list 18
 set access-list 18 permit ip 1

 set route-map name "rtmap1" permit 18
  set match interface "Redundant2.18:1"
  set match ip 18

set interface "redundant2.18" dhcp relay server-name ""
set interface "redundant2.18" dhcp relay server-name ""
set interface "redundant2.18" dhcp relay server-name ""
set interface "redundant2.18" dhcp relay service
set interface "redundant2.18:1" dhcp relay server-name ""
set interface "redundant2.18:1" dhcp relay server-name ""
set interface "redundant2.18:1" dhcp relay server-name ""
set interface "redundant2.18:1" dhcp relay service

save config 
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Topic revision: r3 - 2013-08-15 - DrewPilcher
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