-- Main.ctucker - 02 Nov 2005

Configuring a Windows Computer to Authenticate Against the CSCF Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING)


  • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003 computer
  • Physical Access to the Computer.
  • Password for the local Administrator account.
  • Username and password for a Domain Administrator account in the domain which the Windows system is to join.

DNS Considerations

For a Windows system to authenticate against any domain in the CSCF Active Directory, it must use the CS Departmental DNS servers for name services.

  • core.cs
  • student.cs

CSCF has extended the CS Departmental DNS space (supplied by core.cs and student.cs) with special Forward Lookup Zones which supply required Active Directory SRV records to our DNS space. This is outlined in ADDnsConfiguration.

Client Windows Configuration

Here we will outline how to configure a Windows computer to authenticate as a member of the CS-TEACHING (student.cs.uwaterloo.ca) domain in the CSCF Active Directory.

  1. Logon to the Windows system using the local Administrator account.
  2. Open the Control Panel (START button -> Settings -> Control Panel).
  3. Activate the System applet.
  4. Select the Computer Name tab.
  5. Click the Change... button.
  6. Specify the computer's hostname as the name for Computer name.
  7. Under Member of: Select Domain and specify CS-TEACHING or student.cs.uwaterloo.ca.
  8. Click the OK button.
    • You are prompted for a domain administrator username and password to admit the computer into the CS-TEACHING domain.
    • About 30 seconds later the computer is welcomed as a domain member and will show up in the ADs computer listings.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click OK when you are prompted to reboot the computer.
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Topic revision: r2 - 2024-10-30 - MariHassanzada
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