Digital Door Sign User Stories
Here are some user stories to suggest how we anticipate the digital door signs being used.
- Nick, a CSCF staff person, is in a meeting due to end at 3pm, but it's running over, so he loads the quick update page for his digital door sign and presses the button to add 10 minutes; with the expectation he should be back by then.
- Dan, a faculty member, walks down to CSCF from his third floor office mid-morning, to find out the staff person he's looking for is away until 1pm. He sees the QR code on the sign, and pulls it up on his phone; it shows the same information. At 1pm, still in his office, he loads the webpage again, and it says the CSCF person is now due back at 1:10pm, so he saves a wasted trip downstairs.
- Lawrence, a CSCF manager, gets an unexpected phone-call that will take a few minutes to resolve. While sitting at his desk, he opens a browser bookmark for quick-updating his door page to say "Here: Busy; back in 5 minutes." He leaves that tab open and when the phone-call lasts longer, he hits the same URL, to add another 5 minutes.
- Clayton, a CSCF staff person, sees that despite bad weather, the University has not closed. But he has a 30-minute driving commute from Guelph, so he'll wait for the plows to catch up. From home, he updates his door to say "Away: Home due to weather. Will be in when I can." and sets the "Back" time to 11am. He knows the sign is updated, rather than waiting for the Help Desk to get in and update it.
DanielAllen - 2019-09-03