OFIS Notes from 20 January, 2010
Past Tasks
- Tamir: finished!
- Daniel: web coding
- Vu: contributions: needs to detect and remove "accepted in..." from single-bib. high priority.
- [incomplete] dump of tasks / priorities; IAP, ... Marlon: data integrity checks, privilege system; sending data errors to proper parties;
- People table to eventually automatically include more staff- so marlon doesn't have to manually add regular staff.
- Vic DiCiccio: Beth will investigate various staff with "Director" roles; some perhaps should go into OFIS; for now, he isn't, and it requires a new upload from HR.
- help system
- eventually, will get quest feed; maybe early 2010, after feb 1?
- grad course eval. data
- CS course: cross-lists and changing courses; Beth's thoughts about CS data: is it public?
- finishing Noki's admin-staff stats generator
- ECE merit report is different.
- Awards: "show on web" available for everyone.
- continued Research search tool work
- Need more testers! vu: systematic testing with a test plan.
- calendar plugins for dates? dropdown for years?
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel: research-book work, demos
- tell profs: changes will be erased.
- look up email to the list: bibtex-using prof, wants to test.
- get Marlon the list of database changes [did I do this?]
- "2234 manuscript pages" - where does that come from? End-page isn't supposed to be a range, is it?
- 0 vs null: look up.
- Awards: "Show on Web" for everyone; will need poking at how that select will work.
-- DanielAllen - 20 Jan 2010