-- MikeGore - 19 Apr 2005

How to setup core.cs to print to a Linux box running CUPS

Notes: Please make sure to rcsdiff and rcs files before making changes

See: Edit admin/printer_descriptions

  • core.cs queue lp1_dc2514
  • remote linux queue Phaser8400
  • remote linux host bellman.cs

Edit admin/printer_descriptions


cd /software/printconf-1/config/admin
ls -l (find absolute path for printer_descriptions)
cd /.software/admin/printconf-1/config/admin
rcs edit printer_descriptions (check rcsdiff first!)
(added text below - see tail)

    MasterQueueHost = bellman.cs
    RemoteQueueName = Phaser8400
    Aliases = Phaser8400_dc2514 Phaser8400_ppoupart
    DviPrefilter = /software/lpr/servers/prefilter-dvips

Edit regional/nondefault_printers


cd /software/printconf-1/config/regional
ls -l (find absolute path for printer_descriptions)
cd /.software/regional/printconf-1/config/regional
rcs edit nondefault_printers (check rcsdiff first!)
(add text below)


Edit Aliases, Connections, Devicetypes


cd /software/printcap/data/printcap/

rcs edit Aliases (check rcsdiff first!)
(add text below)

added lp1_dc2514

rcs edit Connections (check rcsdiff first!)
(add text below)
lp1_dc2514      bellman.cs

rcs edit Devicetypes (check rcsdiff first!)
(add text below)

lp1_dc2514      Undefined

Edit Config/core_cs_group


cd /software/printcap/data/printcap/Config
rcs edit core_cs_group (check rcsdiff first!)
(add text below)


Edit Remote/core_cs_group


cd /software/printcap/data/printcap/Remote
rcs edit core_cs_group (check rcsdiff first!)
(add text below)

cd /software/printcap/data/printcap/Remote
rcs create new file called lp1_dc2514 (borrow contents of another file and edit to suit)

(new file lp1_dc2514)
#       Remote to lp1_dc2514 - remote queue Phaser8400 - for now

lpc_printcap core.cs


./lpc_printcap core.cs
bash-3.00# ./fetch core.cs
./fetch: fetching from core.cs

diff Fetchedprintcap/core.cs Printcap/core.cs

Note: observe  any "BAD" things in the output (ideally only the addition we just made.  
But if we have a printcap that is maintained by both printconf and printcap we will see  
*automatically generated printconf data* at the end of the diff - *ignore this*

cd /software/printcap/data/printcap

./Install core.cs
   Install FYI: Installing on "core.cs".
   Install FYI: Running xh-install printconf-1 on core.cs
   Install warning: Don't forget to update printers(i) if necessary.

Testing new printer queue on core.cs


echo hello this is a test | lpr -P lp1_dc2514
lpq -P lp1_dc2514
   Spool queue: lp1_dc2514 (Phaser8400)
   Phaser8400 is ready
   no entries

Setup the rest of the core_cs_group machines


cd /software/printcap/data/printcap
cd Config
ls -l | grep core | align
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root none  13 Dec  6 16:10 core.cs        -> core_cs_group
  -r--r--r-- 1 root none 938 Apr 18 15:25 core_cs_group
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root none  13 Dec  8 15:20 services102.cs -> core_cs_group
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root none  13 Dec  6 16:10 services106.cs -> core_cs_group
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root none  13 Dec  6 16:10 services108.cs -> core_cs_group
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root none  13 Dec  6 16:10 services110.cs -> core_cs_group
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root none  13 Dec  6 16:10 services112.cs -> core_cs_group

(note the hosts that link to core_cs_group)

cd ..
./lpc_printcap core_cs_group services102.cs services106.cs services108.cs services110.cs  

./Install core_cs_group services102.cs services106.cs services108.cs services110.cs  
(watch for notices)

Distribute (xh-dist2) printconf-1 from cscf.cs


xh-dist2 core.cs printconf-1

Distribute printconf-1 from core.cs


xh-distribute printconf-1
(watch for any error related to your)

*Example output*

xh-distribute printconf-1
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output for the "printconf-1" package being mailed
xh-distribute FYI:   to: unmaintained@capo.uwaterloo.ca
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output of the "printconf-1" package from "core.cs" follows:
  updating host cpu102.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host cpu104.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host cpu106.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host cpu108.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host cpu110.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host cpu112.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host cpu114.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host services102.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host services106.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host services108.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host services110.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
  updating host services112.cs
    special: The queue "ljp_3015-daily" does not exist in the printer database.
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 
    special: The queue "optra_3013b" does not exist in the printer database. 
    special: See man printconf-config for more details. 

Finish testing

make sure to do tests on various core machines

CUPS setup on a Linux Box

CupsOnLinux - how to setup a Cups Printer on Linux


  • Localised version of CUPS documents specific to our Debian Deployment
  • Administrative control and access restrictions from Linux and Unix
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