Academic Background

This page allows the applicants to state relevant courses that they have taken in various computer science areas. For each course the user must select the computer science area (category) from a drop down list and then state the course number, course title, and grade achieved. The drop down list is populated from the backgroundCategory table in the database which holds a category id and category description for every possible category. Any courses that the user has previously added are listed and may be edited. There are javascript functions to add and delete courses from the list.

When the submit button is pressed, all of the current background courses for this particular applicant are removed from the backgroundCourse table in the database. This is because it is much easier to remove all of the old courses and add in all of the ones on the current form than it would be to try and compare all of the courses and find out which ones have changed etc. After the old courses are removed, each course that was listed in the form will be added to the backgroundCourse table in the database. The applicant's OUAC number, course number, course title, grade, and the category id are all part of this record.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-07-31 - DrewPilcher
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