OFIS Notes from 27 January, 2010
Past Tasks
- Daniel: not much. worked on ssh data transferring, still in dev.
- discussion of errors reported by profs
- prof reports research record says "NSERC" when it should say "CRD". Which is a subset of NSERC awards. Beth and Marlon will discuss offline.
- prof bugged that it lists his 8-character nexus ID. WatIAM feed doesn't list long userid or preferred email. Marlon hopes an upcoming feed can list preferred email.
- Noki: looking at Selenium for automated testing.
- Marlon is away next week, possibly the following week. Here through Friday (away tomorrow until 2pm).
- Beth: priorities: Fixing up faculty webpages?
- Beth will do a pilot project of prof reports in her department, to systematically look for errors in data feeds. Noted that Office of Rch and Grad Studies are the source of a pile of errors, possibly detectable? Some may be business rules we can code around.
- Discussion of priorities within Engr. For summer, perhaps integrate search-tool from "Rick's research pages"?
- Marlon: are we in a code-freeze for dev vs. main? Beth: recommends for the next two weeks. Marlon would like to push his authentication changes.
- Marlon: does CS have useful links with Engr for improvements to the webpages? D. is happy to talk with Marlon about this, though the code we use is going to be quite different, since we generate the XML for our page-generator.
- Ray: would google / search engines prefer seeing the XML as metadata? Keywords? Daniel will look into it for CS webpages.
- Discussion of privileges and delegation to staff members.
- Daniel will talk to Marlon offline about CS privileges.
- Beth: would like a report sorted by source of data, listing each person in departments.
- Server share: co-ops will need access to OFIS_sql_dev for marlon's sql code.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel: research-book work, demos
- tell profs: changes will be erased.
- look up email to the list: bibtex-using prof, wants to test.
- get Marlon the list of database changes [did I do this?] [not yet! Oops!]
- "2234 manuscript pages" - where does that come from? End-page isn't supposed to be a range, is it?
- 0 vs null: look up.
- Awards: "Show on Web" for everyone; will need poking at how that select will work.
- Marlon: CS profs authentication -> which menu items?
- Marlon: Vic DiCiccio ?
-- DanielAllen - 27 Jan 2010