-- MikeGore - 13 Feb 2008


Notes on using and understanding Udev

External References

Usefull commands

  • udevinfo - list all of the KERNELS,SUBSYSTEMS,DRIVERS and ATTRS for a device
    • Example udevinfo -a -p /sys/class/net/eth1
  • udevtest - test what actions will be done for a device
    • Example udevtest /sys/class/net/eth1


Notes: Udev Rules replace the /etc/iftab method of matching MAC addresses to device names. (Udev used to read /etc/iftab and make a matching Udev rule set). Now Udev just skips the extra /etc/iftab file and directly matches MAC's
  • ifconfig -a - list all network devices detected on your system
  • Files located under /etc/udev/rules.d
    • 70-persistent-net.rules - assign network cards to device names - Note CASE MATTERS when matching a MAC - use udevinfo!
      • Note if you are having problems detecting your networks then deleted the contents of this file and reboot - it is automattically generated
    • 75-persistent-net-generator.rules - detect new or changed network cards and update 70-persistent-net.rules
    • 85-ifupdown.rules - bring up or down network devices marked auto
    • 90-modprobe.rules - load network modules if needed
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Topic revision: r2 - 2008-03-06 - WalterTautz
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