Resume Attachment

This section allows users to attach a pdf resume to their applications. Alternatively there will be a checkbox to indicate that the user wishes to send the resume in the mail rather than attach it electronically.

If the checkbox is selected when the user presses the submit button then the resumeToBeMailed field in the user's applicant record is set to true. This acts as a flag for the computer science graduate office notifying them that there is a resume coming in the mail.

If the user attaches a file, then the resumeFilename field in the user's applicant record will be set with the provided filename. This will allow the user to keep track of which version of his resume has been uploaded. The actual file will be saved using a different naming convention somewhere on the server ( more to come on this ). The resume will also be hashed and stored in the database in the applicant record to allow us to compare versions.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-07-31 - DrewPilcher
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