2012-03-16 (lfolland/rgarcia) - this information is out-of-date - do not use!

Add a user for the machine on jasper:

adduser --no-create-home --disabled-login --force-badname 'machinename$'
and also
smbpasswd -a -m machinename

(then it doesn't ask for the passwd)

Then you need to authenticate to jasper.uwaterloo.ca with a username and password that exists in smbpasswd on that machine (hopefully the same user that's logging in to the machine). You will also have to add the user to the smbusers group on jasper.

Then add \\jasper\se-colour and it ought to work. (But Cory needs to get the XP drivers and put them on.)

Under Debian, make sure the user is in the local lpadmin group and then fire up cups (localhost:631)

Add the printer as an lpr/lpd: lpd://jasper.uwaterloo.ca/se-hp1 - printer PPDs are under "Hewlett-Packard". It's an HP 4050. The 4000 PS driver seems to work ok.

Cory Kapser wrote a PPD for the Xerox Phaser 8200 colour printer at lpd://jasper.uwaterloo.ca/se-colour

May want to change the print quality (only if they have problems though)

-- MikePatterson - 16 Oct 2004

Hrm, looks like jasper's samba fell over. Irwin had said something about this some time ago, I hadn't realised what he meant. Yet we're still printing somehow... except for Ann and Naghmeh. Simply running /etc/init.d/samba as root fixed that. jasper has some serious issues. frown

-- MikePatterson - 04 Jan 2005

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatppd xr_p8200.ppd r1 manage 48.7 K 2005-01-10 - 10:26 MikePatterson Xerox 8200 PPDs
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Topic revision: r6 - 2012-03-16 - LawrenceFolland
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