HP Switches

HOW TO: Set the maximum number of VLANS on HP Switch

  1. login into switch
  2. press 5 to enter into the CLI if at menu
  3. config
  4. max 30 (sets maximum vlans supported on switch to 30)
  5. wr mem
  6. reload (reboots switch)
  7. show vlan
  8. show run (shows config)

HOW TO: Obtain required files for HP Tech Support from Procurve switches (DRH)

  1. login into switch
  2. press 5 to enter into the CLI if at menu
  3. show run (shows config)
  4. configure tftp server then
  5. copy com "show tech" tftp server_ip# showtech.txt
  6. EXAMPLE: copy crash-log tftp crash-log.txt
  7. EXAMPLE: copy crash-data tftp crash-data.txt

HOW TO: Assign Vlans to Ports on HP procurve switch ports (DRH)

  1. To assign ports 1,2,3,4,5 and 20 on vlan 100, untagged
  2. login to switch via telnet and run the following EXAMPLE commands
  3. configure terminal
  4. vlan 100
  5. untagged 1-5,20
  6. exit
  7. exit
  8. wr mem

HOW TO: Configure a login name on HP Procurve switch (DRH)

  1. This is needed for ONA to function properly
  2. Telnet into switch
  3. config term
  4. password manager user-name XXXX (XXXX= user name)
  5. exit
  6. write mem
  7. (Now you must reset the unrestricted snmp community)
  8. config term
  9. no snmp-server community "community_name" Unrestricted
  10. snmp-server community "community_name" Unrestricted
  11. exit
  12. write mem

HOW TO: Configure the DATE & TIME on HP Procurve switch (DRH)

  1. Go to command line
  2. Type config term
  3. To see correct syntax on how to set type in
  4. clock set ?
  5. NOTE: The time is reset to the switch bios if reset or power cycled. It is recommended that you setup time server

HOW TO: Completely remove a Tagged port on a HP switch with ONA (DRH 04-April-06)

EMAIL Notice on problem from Bruce Campbell:

Hi Dan,

The HP switch won't allow a port to have no vlans on it. So, to remove all tagged vlans, you have to put "1" as the untagged vlan, do the change, then remove all tagged vlans.

I will make ona do all that automatically some day, but for now it is a 2 step process to removed all tagged vlans from a port.

I have added the bug here:



-- Bruce Campbell

HOW TO: Erase the Configuration on a HP Procurve switch (DRH 9-May-06) (29-March-07)

  1. I spoke with Chris at HP Tech support HP CASE ID# 3214794641, was not documented and took 15 minutes for HP to Chris to find solution.
  2. To clear the config to factory default on a HP5400 switch you need to type at console "erase start"
  3. This will erase configuration and retain the licence then automatically reboot the switch.
  4. This procedure does NOT erase the root username and password.


  1. config term
  2. crypto key generate ssh
  3. ip ssh

HOW TO: UPLOAD a HP Switch Configuration file to a Remote Host TFTP server from a HP Switch (DRH 4-Jan-2007)

  1. login to switch
  2. copy running-config tftp {TFTPserver ip-address} {remote-file}
  3. EXAMPLE: copy startup-config tftp hpws39.cfg

HOW TO: DOWNLOAD a HP switch Configuration from a Remote Host TFTP server (DRH 4-Jan-2007)

  1. Login to switch
  2. copy tftp running-config {TFTPserver ip-address} {remote-file}
  3. EXAMPLE: copy tftp startup-config hpws39.cfg

HOW TO: Get good HP Rack ears (DRH Jan 12, 2007)

  1. Purchase or request accessories kit part # 5069-6535-95334. These are the solid two hole units.

Additional notes from Bruce Campbell (DRH)

With HP, you are putting ports on a vlan, as opposed to Cisco where you are putting vlans on a port. See also: http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Engcomp/CommonHPCommands

HOW TO: Set HP switch for Telnet inactivity (DRH - Feb 22-2007)

  1. login to switch
  2. config term
  3. console inactivity-timer 5
  4. exit
  5. write memory

Setting HP switch to NEW Daylight Saving Time (DRH - Feb 22-2007)

  1. login to switch
  2. config term
  3. time daylight-time-rule user-defined begin-date 3/8 end-date 11/4
  4. exit
  5. write memory
  6. For more details see HP web site link: http://www.hp.com/rnd/dst/index.htm

Using HP Procurve Manager (DRH - March 5-2007)

  1. Login to najas.uwaterloo.ca using remote desktop
  2. Choose CS-General to login with user name and password.
  3. Select procurve manager from the programs.
  4. Login with proper username and password

Setting new HP5400 in dc3558 name: 3558-cs01 (DRH - April 10-2007)

  1. Login to cst1.cscf.uwaterloo.ca
  2. type ts_menu to see what is attached to terminal server
  3. Select proper number, in this case it would be #1.
  4. Login with proper username and password

Setting up HP switch with LACP trunk to a NetApp via multi mode fiber (DRH - April 13-2007)

  1. Info provided by Andy Gallacher of HP:
  2. Gentlemen, Based on the info provided the Sun server configured for multi-mode vifs are compliant with the 802.3ad standard. The load-balancing method should be configured for MAC based.
The fiber ports on the ProCurve switch should be configured for Static LACP
  1. Command issued at switch: Trunk trk1 lacp
Thanks, Andy

HOW TO Set up Premium License on HP switch (DRH - April 16-2007)

  1. MUST have account on HP's my procurve site to obtain license key for installation
  2. obtain the registration ID which was purchased. It typically comes in a DVD case
  3. open web page to myprocure at www.procurve.com
  4. Login to site with user name and password
  5. go to register my software section
  6. follow on line instructions
  7. telnet into switch
  8. obtain hardware id by issuing this command on console licenses hardware-id premium-edge
  9. cut and paste this hardware id to generate the license key on the procurve web site
  10. copy the generated license key from web site and paste into this command licenses install premium-edge <license-key>
  11. You also MUST do the following go get the OSPF functions to work.
  12. copy the config off of switch to TFTP server copy startup-config tftp <ip-address> <file-name>
  13. Must erase the startup config, this will require that you connect directly to the switch console port and re-issue ip and basic configuration parameters to upload the previous config.
  14. copy the config file back to switch, copy tftp startup-config
  15. Reboot switch

HOW TO turn off AUTO MDIX on HP switch ports (DRH - 2 May 2007)

  1. Login switch as manager
  2. config
  3. Int X-X (where X = the port numbers or range you want auto MDIX turned off)
  4. mdix-mode mdix
  5. exit
  6. write memory
  7. logout

HOW TO find out what other switch is connected directly to an HP switch port using LLDP (DRH - 30 May 2007)

  1. Login switch as manager
  2. type: show lldp info remote-device
  3. If the remote switch or device is running LLDP it will display the PortID PortDescription and SysName
  4. As stated in title LLDP MUST be running on the host switch and the others DIRECTLY connected to it.
  5. This will NOT provide a complete TREE structure of the network as it only goes to the first connection on the ports directly attached.

HOW TO find what software versions are in a HP switch is using (DRH - 30 May 2007)

  1. Login switch as manager
  2. type: show flash
  3. b. * Current Boot: lists what version is currently running on the switch *
  4. TO find the currently used version
  5. type: show version

HOW TO update HP switch flash firmware (DRH - 30 May 2007)

  1. Login switch as manager
  2. type: copy tftp flash
  3. to boot with new version type: boot system flash
  4. If you put in secondary and have tested it you can then copy to primary by typing: copy flash flash primary

HOW TO copy HP switch flash firmware from Primary to secondary (DRH - 30 May 2007)

  1. Login switch as manager
  2. type: copy flash flash secondary (assuming switch is currently running the primary version of firmware)

HOW TO copy HP switch flash firmware from secondary to primary (DRH - 30 May 2007)

  1. Login switch as manager
  2. boot system secondary
  3. copy flash flash primary

HOW TO Manually give a "Friendly" name a port on a HP switch (DRH - 30 May 2007 )

  1. Login switch as manager
  2. config
  3. interface
  4. name
  5. exit
  6. exit

HOW TO View Port status on HP switch (DRH - 30 May 2007)

  1. Login switch as manager
  2. show interfaces

HOW TO SETUP Multicasting on between two devices - ON HP SWITCHES (DRH - 25 June 2007)

  1. From Bruce Campbell <bruce@uwaterloo.ca>
  2. To Dave Gawley <dlgawley@cs.uwaterloo.ca> Cc: Steven Bourque <sbourque@ist.uwaterloo.ca>, Dan Hergott <dhergott@cs.uwaterloo.ca>
  3. Yes, and it should work. That will test the multicast stack on the 2 hosts, and your multicast test tools. It will also confirm layer 2 multicast works. But it won't test multicast routing, or igmp snooping.
  4. Quoting Dave Gawley <dlgawley@cs.uwaterloo.ca> > Should I be able to setup a Muticast test with a direct connect from a > server to a client with a cross over cable? > > Dave

HOW TO SETUP Multicasting on between - Extreme and HP SWITCHES

  1. See Bruce Campbell's notes: http://www.freebsd.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Test/MulticastProject

HOW TO Move HP OSPF Licence from one 5400 switch to another 5400 (DRH - 22 August 2007)

  1. No problem moving the license, just need to visit www.my.procurve.com and uninstall them. It will generate a new registration key. Marry that with the new Hardware ID of a 5406 and you'll get a new license key.
  2. Info was supplied from Andy of HP Toronto:

HOW TO make ONA work with HP switch (DRH - 6 Nov 2007 )

  1. you must have in the config:
  2. ip authorized-managers access manager

HP 2650 RACK Ears (kit) (DRH - 4 April 2008) Email Info from Ruth Scharr of Metafore

  1. Part # for this kit is 5064-2085 (this is a kit which the ears are part of) and the 1-800 for you to call in order to get.
  2. Dial 1-800-227-8164 - press 1 for English then 2 and 1 again.

HOW TO stop a HP5406 from crashing and rebooting (DRH - 2 Sept 2008 )

HOW TO make ONA work with HP switch (DRH - 6 Nov 2007 )

  1. Here is the temporary solution, until a new firmware update comes in.
  2. #config
  3. #no ip icmp redirects
  4. #wr mem

This will make the switch stable. If the other switches have problems you can issue this command on them as well. This command will block rate limiting

To turn this command off and re-enable icmp redirects.

  1. #config
  2. #ip icp redirects
  3. #wr mem

How to set HP2650 port to edge ports:

  1. config
  2. span <port# or range> admin-edge-port
  3. wr memory

Maximum trunks per HP switch (DRH - July 8, 2009)

  1. HP 2600 series IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) and ProCurve trunking: support up to 6 trunks, each with up to 4 links (ports) per trunk
  2. HP2800 series IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Protocol (LACP) and ProCurve trunking: support up to 24 trunks, each with up to 8 links (ports) per trunk
  3. HP 3400 series IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) and ProCurve trunking support up to 25 trunks, each with up to 8 links (ports) per trunk
  4. HP 2900/3500/5400/6200/8200 series A maximum of 60 trunks on version K13.01 software NOTE: the documentation does not state the maximum ports per trunk. Dan called HP support to find out how many links per trunk. Max links per trunk = 8 active links
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