CSCF Data -- Point of Contact

The data describing the CSCF Points of Contact is maintained in three places.


For research, the data resides in the Research Subscriptions system. It's unlikely it will reside elsewhere.


For staff, the data resides in the CSCF Points of Contact WWW page. We can imagine it moving into the same database as the Teaching data (below).

Teaching (courses)

For course support, the data resides in the postgres.cs database. Is it accessible via:

Host: postgres.cs
Database: postgres
User: _cscf_web

                                                Table "_cscf.point_of_contact"
 Column |    Type     | Modifiers | Storage  |                                  Description
 userid | text        | not null  | extended | the WatIam userid (8 characters) of the person who is a Point of Contact (PoC)
 type   | client_type | not null  | plain    | who or what the "client" is
 client | text        | not null  | extended | who or what "userid" is the PoC for.
    "point_of_contact_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (userid, type, client)

 Schema |    Name     | Internal name | Size | Elements |                                   Description
 _cscf  | client_type | client_type   | 4    | course  +| the client, group of clients, or activity that one can be a Point of Contact for
        |             |               |      | userid   |

An example of the data:

postgres=> select * from _cscf.point_of_contact order by client limit 4;
  userid  |  type  | client 
 echrzano | course | CS100
 echrzano | course | CS115
 echrzano | course | CS116
 echrzano | course | CS135

An example of adding to the data:

% psql -h postgres.cs -d postgres 
psql (9.3.5, server 9.2.6)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=> set role to _cscf_root; 
postgres=> set search_path to _cscf, public; 
postgres=> insert into point_of_contact (userid, type, client) values ('omnafees', 'course', 'CS492');
postgres=> insert into point_of_contact (userid, type, client) values ('omnafees', 'course', 'CS692');
postgres=> \q

An example of updating the data:

% psql -h postgres.cs -d postgres 
psql (9.3.5, server 9.2.6)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=> set role to _cscf_root; 
postgres=> set search_path to _cscf, public; 
postgres=> update point_of_contact set userid = 'omnafees' where client = 'CS137';
postgres=> update point_of_contact set userid = 'fhgunn' where client = 'CS492';
postgres=> \q

The above examples assume the invoker can assume the _cscf_root role.

The course points of contact WWW page uses userid "cscf-dat" to control access to the "_cscf_web" password which is needed to read the data, as described in the general approach to access of public data.

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Topic revision: r4 - 2015-04-29 - BillInce
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