MikePatterson - 16 Dec 2004
Like QuadraSargeUpgrade, but tumbo has two disks. So we'll RAID them together if we can - nope, we can't. We'll also back up ssh keys first.
so mkdir ~mpatters/tumbo && cd /etc/ssh && cp -a key ~mpatters/tumbo/, then verify - yup.
We'll have 2 x 36gb disks, sda1 and sda2. 4GB of RAM.
/ 6gb
swap 1.75gb
swap 1.75gb
/fsys1 remainder
swap 1.75gb
swap 1.75gb
/fsys2 remainder
We've already changed the hostname.
- Mount /u from mudge and copy hostkeys back.
- Remove exim4 packages and install walter versions.
- userdel Debian-exim and cscfadm.
- Install ntpdate, then date against cscf.cs.
- apt-get install rsh-client rsh-server
- adduser --home /software/accounts/home --shell /bin/csh --no-create-home --uid 1000 --gid 103 --disabled-login accounts
- change crontab group to none (since it's uid 101) - I don't like this. Perhaps mudge should have been upgraded first.
- create xhier tree.
- edit fstab and mount -a -t nfs (regional gets mounted, good).
- change master for tumbo to debian31 on cscf and dist2 xhier to debian31.
- create /root/.?hosts.
- verify rsh tumbo.cs works from debian31.cscf (yup).
- debian31: xh-first-time -v tumbo.cs
And now I run into the same problem I did on quadra initially: it does the first bit of xh-first-time, but doesn't complete and then refuses to xh-anythingelse. (but rsh'ing in still works.) Try it 2 or 3 times and it mysteriously works again, for real.
- xh-install xhier
- xh-install mfcf-basics
- xh-install os-extras (all 3 clean)
- xh-local-maintenance (clean)
- debian31: xh-dist2 tumbo.cs cf-specific cscf-specific
- whoah, I was going to fix order in /etc/group and a bunch of groups had automagically appeared, it's already in order
- debian31: xh-dist2 tumbo.cs accounts accounts_client
- xh-local-maintenance
- xh-install mfcf-misc, then termcap, termcap_arch, tcsh-6.11, termcap_progs, filetools
- dist and install graveyard
- install setpw, then fix /software/setpw/data/config/setpw.server
- install accounts, then accounts_client
- xh-local-maintenance (clean)
- cscf.cs: accounts-client host=mudge.math
Now we have accounts and such.
- debian31: xh-dist2 tumbo.cs man nameserver pine_config resolv-config security service-request watform
- Fix xhier_maintainer and xh-install xhier.
- xh-local-maintenance (fairly clean)
- quadra: "dpkg --get-selections > quadrapkgs" in /u/mpatterson
- dpkg --set-selections < quadrapkgs
- /software/debian-1/maintenance/apt-get -uf --fix-missing dselect-upgrade
- fix /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow X11 forwarding
- test xspin (works)