-- MikePatterson - 15 Dec 2004

First, back up /fsys1/.software.

cd /fsys1
tar zcf quadrasoftware.tgz .software/
mv quadrasoftware.tgz /u/mpatterson

(note that /u was still mounted from mudge at this point.)

Verify lack of user data - done. We don't care about /var.

For partitioning we'll go with a very simple scheme (single 36gb disk, sda):

/ 6gb primary - sda1
5 x 1.75gb swap partitions (stupid 2gb limit) - sda5-9
remainder /fsys1 (approx 21.7gb) - sda10

sarge RC2 installer dated 24 November 2004. Choose linux26, American English, and erase entire disk.

GRUB to MBR of primary disk.

Reboot, say clock is NOT set to UTC. It wants me to add a new user, so I'll add cscfadm and then remove it later.

Manual ftp mirror debian30.math.uwaterloo.ca (we'll change it to the canonical name later because I can never remember it).

Don't choose any particular configuration. We'll sync packages with pedernales.

exim4: we'll configure it for pretend, then remove and re-add it later as part of xhier process.

hostname quadra.cs and echo "quadra.cs" > /etc/hostname.

copy /etc/apt/sources.list from awk.cs (PLG sarge machine).

dpkg --purge --force-all exim4 exim4-base exim4-config exim4-daemon-light

apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade... whups, apt-get -f install, it got exim4 stuff again. Configure it for real this time.

Internet site, listen only on, everything else defaults.

userdel Debian-exim, since it missed that little detail, and userdel cscfadm.

NOW dist-upgrade.

dselect and remove ppp*, then install kernel-image-2.6-686-smp and dependencies.

Reboot. Install ntpdate, sync clock (I guess it had been on UTC after all) and reboot again. Test mounting /u from mudge - that works. One thing I forgot - back up the ssh keys. frown

Create xhier directory structure, then edit fstab to mount mudge filesystems, then mount -a: good, got everything.

Update access-rights on cscf.cs and tell it about the change.

Install rsh-client and rsh-server, fix securetty and edit .rhosts/.shosts appropriately.

xh-first-time -v from debian31.cscf. Odd, it made the /software stuff but didn't seem to actually install anything. And now I can't xh-first-time again. Don't change anything and try again, and it mysteriously works. Maybe it's partially because of the recent hostname change? bog. Forgot to create the none group: "none:x:303:".

  1. debian31.cscf: xh-dist2 quadra.cs cf-specific cscf-specific
  2. debian31.cscf: xh-dist2 quadra.cs debian
  3. quadra: xh-local-maintenance
  4. quadra: adduser --home /software/accounts/home --shell /bin/csh --no-create-home --uid 300 --disabled-login accounts
  5. quadra: fix order in /etc/group
  6. debian31: xh-dist2 quadra.cs accounts accounts_client
  7. mudge: fix /fsys1/.software/local/setpw/data/config/hosts
  8. quadra: xh-local-maintenance
  9. quadra: set /software/setpw/data/config/setpw.server
  10. cscf.cs: accounts-client host=mudge.math - that sent the passwords, but it still thinks quadra is .math, not .cs.
  11. capo: edit /fsys1/.software/share/cf-specific/export/hosts to tell it about quadra changing from .math to .cs. (Then dist2 that to sun580, and from 580 to cscf. Now accounts-client does both quadra.math and quadra.cs - hardly an improvement.)

Wow, now an xh-local-maintenance on quadra complaints about the group accounts missing from some files. Ah, because I copied awk's line to adduser the accounts user. I should have used:

adduser --home /software/accounts/home --shell /bin/csh --no-create-home --uid 1000 --gid 103 --disabled-login accounts

So umount /fsys1/.software/regional, rm -r /software/accounts*, remount regional, and redist? That worked.

  1. debian31: xh-dist2 quadra.cs graveyard man nameserver pine_config resolv-config security service-request watform
  2. quadra: xh-local-maintenance (fairly clean)

-- MikePatterson - 16 Dec 2004

Other packages to install: kernel-source-2.6.8-10 and emacs21 (and dependencies and recommendations). Eventually need xbase-clients too.

Building kernel:

  1. Copy config file from /boot to /usr/src/linux/.config, then "make xconfig". Changes:
    • CPU to Pentium III
    • high memory support to 64gb
    • disable PCMCIA support altogether
  2. make-kpkg clean
  3. fakeroot make-kpkg --append_to_version -64gb --revision mpatters.1 binary modules_image
  4. wait.
  5. Discover that kernel doesn't boot.
  7. make-kpkg clean
  8. fakeroot make-kpkg --append_to_version -64gb --initrd --revision mpatters.2 kernel_image modules_image
  9. That errored, so same thing except change kernel_image to binary.
  10. Still errored: ah, it was complaining about tail. setenv PATH `showpath vendor u=m` and repeat above.

That worked.

Need to link /watform to /fsys1/watform.

xspin no workie. Alma says it's a tcl/tk package. It works on aransas. Just getting tcl8.4 wasn't sufficient - wish is still MIA. tk8.4 did it.

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