Weekly Meeting:

  • Marlon will be away next week.
  • next meeting in two weeks. Beth will suggest a day. Most likely Wednesday afternoon.
  • I will schedule a day to meet with techies about version control/svn in the week of 24-28 Aug.

Completed Tasks

  • Daniel: info to Marlon on CS course-critique process.

Upcoming Tasks

  • Daniel: set up meeting with Marlon, Vu, Noki, Ray about svn (24-28 Aug).
  • Daniel: get information from current OFIS users
  • Daniel: make some sort of comment to the group about reporting code and whether it's reasonable to take on the task of OFIS report modifications (as part of output development).

-- DanielAllen - 07 Aug 2009

-- DanielAllen - 14 Aug 2009

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Topic revision: r1 - 2009-08-14 - DanielAllen
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