Sun Validation Test Suite Readme

This is the Readme file from the Bootable CD for x86 hardware (V2.4.0.2)

Known Issues:
1. SP tests (fan, voltage, temp, flash, op panel, and power) can only 
   be run on systems with SP software that is compatible with the 
   current CD Diagnostics. If you are unable to load SP tests, please 
   check with your vendor for compatablity. You can find the current 
   versions by running 'diags -V' from the CD command line and 'sp -V'
   from the SP command line. Platform tests (memory, storage, and nic) 
   should run on all systems. 

Helpful Tips:
1. Once the CD has booted to the menu, it can be removed and used
   to boot another machine.

This section provides a short listing of the various commands the user
can run from the command line. See the usage for each command or the
product documentation for more information.

1. Diagnostics Commands
   diags -h
      Shows all diagnostics commands.
   diags start
      Starts the diagnostics framework with both SP and Platform tests.
   diags start -n
      Starts the diagnostics framework with just Platform tests.    
   diags get tests
      Displays a list of all available tests.        
   diags get modules
      Displays a list of all available test modules.        
   diags run tests -a
      Will run all available tests.
   diags terminate
      Terminates the current diagnostics session and shutdown 
      the machine.

2. System Log Commands
      DMI (SMBIOS) table decoder
      To display usage, 'man dmidecode' and press 'q' to quit.       
      BIOS information decoder
      To display usage, 'man biosdecode' and press 'q' to quit.
      List all PCI devices.
      To display usage, 'lspci -h'
      To display usage, 'ipmitool -h'
   ipmitool -I open  help
      To display usage of the command.
   ipmitool -I open fru print
      Print built-in FRU and scan SDR for FRU locators.
   ipmitool -I open sensor list
      Print detailed sensor information.
   ipmitool -I open sdr list all
      Print Sensor Data Repository entries and readings.
   ipmitool -I open sel list
      Print System Event Log.
3. Miscellaneous Commands 
      Exit the command line and return to the main prompt menu.
   cat /diags/scripts/Readme.txt
      Displays this Readme file. script:
  Use the Create Script menu option to create this script. Once created,
  the script can be run either from the main menu or from the command 
  If you want to run the same set of operations on multiple machines,
  as a convenience you can follow these steps:

  1. From the initial machine, select to create the
     script. Specify either /floppy or /USB as the log file location.

  2. Once you have completed answering the questions, the script is created on the storage device. 

  3. If you want to save results for each machine on a separate 
     USB/floppy, copy the initial to separate 
     USB/floppy. Otherwise use the same USB/floppy on all machines.     

  4. Boot each of the other machines using the CD and insert the 
     USB/floppy. You can either run the script from the main menu
     option or run the following from the command line.
     For floppy:
        $ mount /floppy
        $ /floppy/
        Wait for completion...
        $ umount /floppy
     For USB:        
        $ mount /usbstorage
        $ /usbstorage/
        Wait for completion...
        $ umount /usbstorage

  5. Once you have booted each machine to the CD, you can remove and
     start booting the next machine.
  6. Log files will be saved on the USB/floppy where the script resides.

Using SSH from a remote machine: 
  It is possible to login to the booted CD system from a remote machine 
  using a SSH client to run various commands as described in the 
  "Commands" secion. The prompted menu system is not available 
  from this option.
  Steps to login:
  1. Record the IP Address of the platform. This will be shown at the 
     top of the console screen if one or both of the ethernet devices 
     has successfully connected to the network. 

  2. SSH in as the user "setup".        (ssh setup@IP_ADDRESS)

  3. Enter the user name, which cannot be root, setup, or diagUser.

  4. Enter the password twice.

  5. Press enter if you do not have a public key.

  6. SSH as the user you just created.  (ssh NEW_NAME@IP_ADDRESS)

  If the diagnostic NIC tests have previously been executed, the user 
  can no longer SSH to the booted CD system.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2009-06-17 - LawrenceFolland
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