Managing and editing workflows are what is behind the real power of
DeployStudio. Workflows can be managed for creating system images for both Mac and Windows partitions, deploying single, dual or triple boot systems, installing packages and/or scripts and more. Each workflow item can be set to full automation for minimal client interaction or can require user interaction for further customization and options. This section will cover the various options for creating custom workflows.
It will include a description of many of the relevant workflow objects including: partition the disk, restore images, bind to Active Directory, bind to Open Directory, install packages, run scripts, reconfigure the system, set the firmware password and shutdown the system when finished. The many steps to create this workflow are as follows:
- 1. Launch DeployStudioAdmin.
- 2. Select WORKFLOWS.
- 3. Click the “+” button at the bottom of the window.
- 4. Doubleclick the newly created workflow and rename it“RestorationandCustomization”.
- 5. Next to where it says “Droptaskshere”, select the "+” button.
- 6. Before imaging a volume it must be partitioned. There are a number of partition options, some of which are important to understand with multi-boot deployments. Drag the “Partition a disk” icon to the “Drop tasks here” location and customize the settings as follows:
- a. Specify the “Targetdisk:” volume name (i.e.,“MacintoshHD”).Note: “Partition the first disk available” may be chosen but this could be problematic on Mac Pros with multiple internal drives or external USB or FireWire drives connected to the system. The first drive available is the drive that spins up the fastest. Note: Choosing the available drives from the drop down “Target disk:” menu will only show drives visible to the running DeployStudio Admin system and may not reflect the drives that will be deployed to, when an actual deployment occurs.
- b. From the “Applylayouttemplate” drop down, choose “MacOSX+Windows” Note: When adding more than three partitions, because of the BIOS EFI plug-in used on Mac hardware, the Windows partition must always be the last partition created. It is important to note that Macs use a hidden EFI partition, which will be visible using the “diskutil list” command in Terminal. In an example where the machine will be set up using a Mac partition, a FAT32 partition and a Windows partition, the Windows partition will technically be the fourth partition.
- c. Rename the volumes accordingly (i.e., Macintosh HD and BOOTCAMP). To do this, mouse over the partition name and click the pencil icon in the upper right corner. To complete the partition rename click the check mark icon, which now appears after clicking on the pencil icon. Note: These partitions will be renamed when the image is deployed, based on the name of the master image (s). The name will be important and used in the next step where the “Restore a disk image” task must have the correct name of the partition to restore to
-- EdwardChrzanowski - 2014-08-01