Meeting 11 February 2016, 2pm
Attended: drallen, dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak
- Current Milestones
- New Milestones
- Timeline for project
- Brief summary since the last meeting
Current Milestones:
- Testing Failover: not done by last Friday. Reset to tomorrow.
New Milestones
- resetting Failover milestone from last Friday to this Friday
- End of project: Before this meeting, looked like we'd be done March 9 (tentative Staff Retreat March 10!)
Timeline for project
- slips of a ~week on testing failover
- Which means we're looking at:
- start moving first database (inventory) Wednesday, Feb. 17
- moving the rest of databases starting Friday Feb. 26?
- possibly wrapping up Tuesday March 15
Brief summary since the last meeting
- Fraser is benchmarking mysql with two nodes over network from asgard.
- Anthony is bringing up mysql-106 when the benchmarking is complete.
- Dave says networking is not 40GB yet - this is at least a week away.
- Fraser and Daniel will do a sync of inventory including the same process (and same data transfer) as stage two sync; this will give us timing on the stage two move.
- Setting up backup isn't complete; Fraser will hand off to Guoxiang.
- Daniel will set up nagios monitoring for mysql-102 - before we move inventory.
- Setting up monitoring: will discuss in more depth later, but Anthony is talking to Devon about options. Dave wants to improve our nagios monitoring; we want write-tests.
-- DanielAllen - 2016-02-11