OFIS Notes from 23 Sep, 2010
- Daniel: no show-stopper bugs with CS stuff. Just a pile of small bugs to figure out.
- one request to have a staff-member enter his info. Still figuring out logistics for this. (common with Eng).
- many instances of faculty making edits and not hitting "PUBLISH"
- Contributions: we're relying on publication-date, which requires all three entries, so I need to temporarily show all three as mandatory. [done]
- check submission date too; use that if it exists?
- Employment History: display of "Period" shouldn't show 'through 0000-00-00' if no end-date.
- UTF8 problem (on my end, and reports): g-hat character
- try html_entity_decode() (Vu says he sent an email about this.)
- Academic Background: what's the definition of "Field"? - "name of discipline" error didn't make it clearer to him. Told him "Department granting the Degree"- correct? Yes. We might change the field description on the page to "Name of Discipline".
- (on my end) instructions on contrib page says " or # of pages": he'd like to print that.
- Marlon in talks with Office of Research, progress on course critiques.
- Vu doing report upgrades.
- Beth giving presentation in a few weeks, with more sharepoint content...
- Marlon: can we get HR-ish data from IAP? (Institutional Analysis and Planning; they generate reports on campus-wide data) - not much additional that we need.
- IAP gives marlon lots of good data already. including faculty service appointments at least down to dean's committees level.
- Beth away next week; we'll meet without her.
Future Tasks
- Daniel: research book stuff, ct'd.; test Vu's contributions import system
-- DanielAllen - 23 Sep 2010