Ganked originally from here.

Files to edit/change hostname manually

  1. /etc/hosts
  2. /etc/nodename
  3. /etc/hostname.xxn (xxn = network interface, such as hme0)
  4. /etc/net/ticlts/hosts
  5. /etc/net/ticots/hosts
  6. /etc/net/ticotsord/hosts
  7. /etc/inet/ipnodes (if file exists and if hostname entry exists)

Files to edit/change the IP manually

  1. /etc/hosts
  2. /etc/defaultrouter
  3. /etc/netmasks

Xhier stuff to fix

  1. /software/os-extras/data/gateway
  2. /.software/admin/xhier/admin/data/access-rights
  3. /software/sendmail/config/local/clients on MX hosts


-- MikePatterson - 06 Apr 2006

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Topic revision: r1 - 2006-04-06 - MikePatterson
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