Michael and I interviewed Debbie Mustin. She is less involved with grad operations; she does office and key assignment. She also does some work with computer equipment.

Debbie gets the new students from the grad office. An equipment request form goes to the faculty supervisor to request equipment from CSCF.

She has an Excel spreadsheet to track office assignments. Each desk location within the room is numbered, and a student is assigned to a specific location.

Key issuing is accomplished by sending a list to Jessica Miranda, who prepares permits that the students take to Key Control. The expiry date is 2 years in the future for Masters students and 4 years in the future for PhD. If the student takes longer than this, their keys are renewed on an as-needed basis.

Students must pay a $20 key deposit to the Cashier's Office in NH. CS prepares a request for payment form in order to arrange re-imbursement. The deposit amount is set by CS, not by Key Control.

-- Main.ijmorlan - 20 Jun 2005

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Topic revision: r1 - 2005-06-20 - IsaacMorland
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