
Hardware test tools:


Utility that comes with Ubuntu 16.04 to do hardware checking.

Good graphic tool that performs hardware tests in Ubuntu 16.04. Allow to select the test to perform (check boxes). When performing the tests, it will interact with the user, asking to use the keyboard, mouse, plug an USB key, insert a DVD, etc. Generates a nice report in html (print to pdf for more portable document)

It may freeze Ubuntu/system or just freeze and stay in that condition, even after closing the application and restarting it. Needs system reboot to bring back running normally.


text mode utility, options in the menu allow to choose the tests to perform, like checkbox. It will install extra tools or documents as needed. Selecting item 3 in the menu to perform full tests and generate a report. Report in html, not as detailed as checkbox or hardinfo,

sudo apt-get install phoronix-test-suite
Open a terminal and type phoronix

Hardinfo (System Profiler and Benchmark)

Generates a report on all the hardware/device and provide benchmarks. Good to have/run when we need to now exactly what hardware a machine have.

sudo apt-get install hardinfo
Open a terminal and type hardinfo

Tests for disks with *smartmontools

sudo apt-get install smartmontools
Open a terminal and tupe smartctl -a /dev/sdx

If the disk is ATA: smartctl -a /dev/sdx -d ata

If the system complains, that SMART is not enabled, run smartctl -s To test drive's integrity, smartctl -t long /dev/sdx

To get the results by issuing smartctl -l selftest /dev/sdx

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Topic revision: r3 - 2017-04-10 - RonaldoGarcia
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