These instructions have been tested with 64-bit install; with noted change(s) should work for 32-bit.
1. boot amd64 install CD, type "server" at the prompt. Ubuntu Splash page boot: server <cr> ... [scrolling text] ... ... [!] Choose Language Choose a language: English <cr> Choose your location: United States <cr> (Why rather than Canada?) (affects locale!) [!] Select a keyboard layout Your Keyboard is: American English <cr> ... Blah, Blah, Blah ... ... [!] Configure the network Network Autoconfiguration failed (no DHCP service if MAC isn't in inventory system) <Continue> <cr> Configure network manually <cr> IP address: 129.97.NNN.XXX <cr> Netmask: <cr> Gateway: <cr> Name server addresses: <cr> Hostname: <Portion of the name up to "".> (refer to host naming web page: ... Blah, Blah, Blah ... ... [!] Partition disks Partitioning method: Manually edit partition table <cr> (refer to disk paritioning web page here.) Do what needs to be done. First-time: setup swap and then use half the remaining space to do what you want. The other half is for installing the next version of the OS. Next time: Use the partition that doesn't have the previous version of the OS on it. Finish partitioning and write changes to disk <CR> Warning .... Write the changes to disk? <select Yes> <CR> ... Blah, Blah, Blah ... ... Warning about "no mount point is asigned for the filesystem in the parition for the old OS. Do you want to return to the partitioning menu? <No> <cr> ... Blah, Blah, Blah ... ... [!] Time zone configuration Is the hardware clock set to GMT: yes <cr> [!] Time zone configuration Select your time zone: Eastern <cr> [!] Set up users and passwords Enter the full name for the new user: CSCF Administrator <cr> Enter a username for your account: cscf-adm <cr> Enter a password for the new user: (see CSCF password box.) Re-enter password to verify: (you saw CSCF password box, right!) ... Blah, Blah, Blah ... ... [!] Install the Grub boot loader on a hard disk Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record? yes <cr> ... Blah, Blah, Blah ... ... [!] Finish the installation First stage of installation complete remove CD and hit <continue> <cr> ... Blah, Blah, REBOOT ... 2. Login as new user listed above sudo bash (uses same password as new user.) 3. apt-get install rcs 4. Updated /etc/apt/sources.list to use local mirror. see for what (and where) sources.list file to obtain. 5. Various important ubuntu packages should be installed, especially if we started from 'server' install (notably, it doesn't default to install all of perl, just perl-base) For amd64, you'll want ia32-libs; for i386, you won't need them. apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade apt-get install openssh-server snmp emacs21 ia32-libs perl dpkg-dev 5a.) If it is to be running desktop applications as well: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop mozilla-thunderbird Which gives us a base secure host to start from.
Possibly follow up with UbuntuXhierHowto .
-- DanielAllen - 24 Oct 2005