Wiping disks using DBAN (THIS NEEDS UPDATING)
DBAN is intended to be used for data destruction in cases where we do not want a third party to be able to retrieve any data. A good example of this is when machines are going to go out for surplus but they are still functional.
DBAN is run via bootable media and is currently available as a CD or floppy disk, or it can be booted from Asimov.
Using DBAN
- Attempt to boot from the network.
- Plug the machine in on VLAN 420
- Boot over PXE (method will vary according to BIOS) (generally DELETE or F2/F12 to get in)
- Wait for the PXE menu to appear
- If it does not appear and the computer continues booting skip to 'Using the CD' below
- Select "DISK utilities and DISK wipe" from the main menu
- Select "DBAN - Secure Disk wipe - DOD standards"
- Wait for DBAN to load
- A screen will appear with a section titled "Disks and Partitions"
- Select all lines not marked as "Partition" (use arrow keys to move and space to select)
- Press F10 to start
- Wait.
(This WILL take a long time)
- Using the CD
- Power on the Machine and boot from the CD
- Wait for it to load
- type autonuke and press Enter/Return
- Wait for the wiping screen to appear (It will have a percentage and other info)
- Remove the CD (Just press the hardware eject and pull it out!)
- When it tells you it is done, press the power button to turn off the machine.
- Wait.
(This WILL take a long time)
This process will take anywhere from 3 to 6 hours.
Once wiping is complete, you just press the power button to turn it off and it's done.
Downloading DBAN
You can download DBAN from here: http://www.dban.org/download