Wiping disks using DBAN (THIS NEEDS UPDATING)

DBAN is intended to be used for data destruction in cases where we do not want a third party to be able to retrieve any data. A good example of this is when machines are going to go out for surplus but they are still functional.

DBAN is run via bootable media and is currently available as a CD or floppy disk, or it can be booted from Asimov.

Using DBAN

  1. Attempt to boot from the network.
    1. Plug the machine in on VLAN 420
    2. Boot over PXE (method will vary according to BIOS) (generally DELETE or F2/F12 to get in)
    3. Wait for the PXE menu to appear
      1. If it does not appear and the computer continues booting skip to 'Using the CD' below
    4. Select "DISK utilities and DISK wipe" from the main menu
    5. Select "DBAN - Secure Disk wipe - DOD standards"
    6. Wait for DBAN to load
    7. A screen will appear with a section titled "Disks and Partitions"
    8. Select all lines not marked as "Partition" (use arrow keys to move and space to select)
    9. Press F10 to start
    10. Wait. smile (This WILL take a long time)

  1. Using the CD
    1. Power on the Machine and boot from the CD
    2. Wait for it to load
    3. type autonuke and press Enter/Return
    4. Wait for the wiping screen to appear (It will have a percentage and other info)
    5. Remove the CD (Just press the hardware eject and pull it out!)
    6. When it tells you it is done, press the power button to turn off the machine.
    7. Wait. smile (This WILL take a long time)

This process will take anywhere from 3 to 6 hours.

Once wiping is complete, you just press the power button to turn it off and it's done.

Downloading DBAN

You can download DBAN from here: http://www.dban.org/download

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Topic revision: r6 - 2024-11-01 - MariHassanzada
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