Update: January 2011 - be sure to read: http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infocist/ManagementofDomainNames.html
I have a faculty client (INSERT Faculty Contact HERE) who has registered a DNS name and would like UW to be the DNS host for it. I've used the name registrar's facilities to set the dns servers to ns1.uwaterloo.ca ns2.uwaterloo.ca The domain is (INSERT External Domain Name HERE) and is related to (INSERT Project Description HERE) Could you please set up the appropriate definitions to host the domain? I think all that is required is the SOA and the two NS records. We will be adding some A and/or CNAMES set up later The local host name of the machine hosting the site will be (INSERT U of W Web host name HERE)
ns1.uwaterloo.ca ns2.uwaterloo.ca
The Technical contact (for DNS purposes) should be: Name: Nancy Keane Job Title: Network Support Specialist Postal Address: University of Waterloo Information Systems & Technology 200 University Avenue West Waterloo Ontario N2L 3G1 Canada Phone: 1 519 8884567 x35427 Email: ns-tech@ist.uwaterloo.ca