Manage an External Domain in CS

These notes were derived from Trevor Grove's work on CS RT57874

Update: January 2011 - be sure to read:

Setup done at U of W

  • You will need to know the following information
    • Faculty contact
    • External Domain Name
    • Simple one or two line description of project at U of W
    • IP or Name of local machine hosting the external site
  • Email this information as a request to IST - or
Here is a partial form letter - replace the information obtained above:
   I have a faculty client (INSERT Faculty Contact HERE) who has registered 
   a DNS name and would like UW to be the DNS host for it.  I've used the 
   name registrar's facilities to set the dns servers to

   The domain is (INSERT External Domain Name HERE) and is related to 
   (INSERT Project Description HERE) 

   Could you please set up the appropriate definitions to host the domain?
   I think all that is required is the SOA and the two NS records.

   We will be adding some A and/or CNAMES set up later

   The local host name of the machine hosting the site will be 
   (INSERT U of W Web host name HERE)

Setup done on the External Domain

  • Find a hosting company - for example Trevor used and buy domain name
  • point external domain at the campus name servers
  • Set contact email to local U of W alias like where "group" is replaced by the CS support group found here
  • Set technical contact to person in IST
   The Technical contact (for DNS purposes) should be:

   Name: Nancy Keane

   Job Title: Network Support Specialist

   Postal Address: University of Waterloo
                Information Systems & Technology
                200 University Avenue West
                Waterloo Ontario
                N2L 3G1

   Phone: 1 519 8884567 x35427
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Topic revision: r5 - 2013-02-22 - DrewPilcher
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